JavaScript user guiding and tutorial library
No dependencies
Extract js and css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/index.min.css">
<script src="build/index.min.js"></script>
// don't forget to load MentorJS after all loaded contents
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
new MentorJS().steps([
title: "Hello World !",
message: "Your message",
<div id="test">Your Text</div>
new MentorJS().steps([
target: "#test",
title: "Hello World !",
message: "Your message",
new MentorJS().steps([
title: "Hello World !",
message: "Your message",
title: "Second test !",
message: "Second message",
new MentorJS().steps([
theme: "dark",
closeButton: "true",
title: "Hello World !",
message: "Your message",
theme: "light",
message: "Without title !",
new MentorJS({
theme: "dark",
title: "Hello World !",
message: "Your message",
/* it will overwrite constructor value for this step */
theme: "light",
message: "Without title !",
Name | Parameters | Default | Description |
autoRun | true, false | true | By default script run automatically |
stepFrom | step index | 0 | Any existing step |
Name | Parameters | Default | Description |
theme | dark, light | light | |
animation | zoom, pulse, bounce, toLeft, toRight, toTop, toBottom | null | |
backgroundArea | any selector | document.querySelector("body") | |
backgroundEffectClass | any classname | mentor-blur | |
targetNoEffectClass | any classname | mentor-noblur | |
targetToggleClass | any classname | mentor-toggle | |
modalDivClass | any classname | mentor-modal | |
modalDivHeaderClass | any classname | mentor-modal-header | |
modalDivHeaderCloseClass | any classname | close | |
modalDivBodyClass | any classname | mentor-modal-body | |
modalDivFooterClass | any classname | mentor-modal-footer | |
previousButtonClass | any classname | mentor-btn mentor-modal-previous | |
nextButtonClass | any classname | mentor-btn mentor-modal-next | |
endButtonClass | any classname | mentor-btn mentor-modal-end | |
autoScroll | true, false | true | |
scrollMethod | scrollIntoView, scrollTo | scrollTo | |
scrollOn | target, modal | modal | |
scrollBehavior | auto, smooth | smooth | |
scrollBlock | start, center, end, nearest | center | |
scrollInline | start, center, end, nearest | center | |
openButtonId | any unique id | null | Must be unique for each step |
closeButtonId | any id | modalClose | Close current step |
previousButtonText | text | « Back | Allow HTML |
nextButtonText | text | Next » | Allow HTML |
endButtonText | text | Thanks | |
order | number | null | Order of step |
title | text | null | Allow HTML |
message | text | null | Allow HTML |
target | any selector | null | Example "#test", or ".test" |
closeButton | true, false | false | Close button on header |
showHeader | true, false | true | |
showFooter | true, false | true | |
showArrow | true, false | true | |
outsideClick | true, false | false | Detect outside click for close modal |
targetAutoShow | true, false | false | If target is hidden by default, you can set it to true |
margin | number | 10 | Space between modal and target, only number, max 10 recommended |
horizontal | left, center, right, auto | auto | |
vertical | top, center, bottom, auto | auto | |
responsive | true, false | true | |
wait | time ( ms ) | 0 | Wait time ( for actual modal ) when user click to next or previous button default is 0 for modal speed |
events | javascript events | click | You can define events with space " " for listener function, for example : "click touchstart" |
mobileSupport | true, false | true |
Name | Description |
run() | Run script if autoRun is disabled |
goToStep($index) | Go to ($index) specific step |
backStep() | Go to previous step |
nextStep() | Go to next step |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.