Internationalization demo
#Run django on multiple langusges
First install GNU-TEXT for windows , remember i18n requires GNU-TEXT version >=0.15 , installer available at
1.Create a django project
Check USE_I18N in is set to true and add following to
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale'),
Add 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES classes
Modify templates
{% load i18n %}
{% trans "Hello" %}
Now in project root manually create directory named locale and run following command makemessages -l en makemessages -l hr
Lets look in locale directory new folder is created according to language , now go in hi folder and and edit the django.po file there are several po file editors availbale for free download , just download anyone and edit. And add translated string with respectd to original string.
Now change broswers langauge and load the project.