This app is written using flutter framework and dart language
Desc : An (Hopefully) useful app to automate and integrate boring things in your life:)
Deskripsi : Suatu aplikasi yang berguna untuk memudahkan kegiatan bersekolah sehari hari terutama sekolah online di masa pandemi
Download link :
WARNING : This app is not seriously maintained anymore, because im focusing on other stuff.
This was my first production app in my life, so it contains a lot of inefficient algorithms such as repeating the code.
And this app was created due to coronavirus pandemic (from 2020), so i have a lot of free time.
Known Bug : Screen Navigation bug (a lot of workaround needed)
- Implement dynamic and online database for learning schedule
- Books Page (Menu and Book Reader)
- Implement the homescreen learning schedule
I hope there is a generation after me who can continue this project
Contact : [email protected] or [email protected]
Thanks to whoever was involved and used this application, Naufal from 9L (Social Science) Matsanewa :).