This module adds two features to HTMLEditorField in SilverStripe 3:
- it allows you to set a custom body class on each editor field (for styling the content differently)
- it allows you to assign different HTMLEditorConfigs to each HTMLEditorField (eg to have different toolbars)
- Nathan Cox ([email protected])
- SilverStripe 3.3+
- Place the files in a directory called customhtmleditorfield in the root of your SilverStripe installation. You can most easily do this with
composer require nathancox/customhtmleditorfield
- Visit to rebuild the database
Example code:
// in _config.php:
// make a new TinyMCE config called "footer" by copying the default ("cms") config
$footerConfig = CustomHtmlEditorConfig::copy('footer', 'cms');
// remove the third row of the editor toolbar: no tables in the footer!
$footerConfig->setButtonsForLine(3, array());
// in getCMSFields()
// make an HtmlEditorField
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Footer', $footerField = new HtmlEditorField('FooterText', 'Footer'));
// assign the "footer" TinyMCE config to this field
// set the editor's body class. This will make it class="typography footer-content"
If the config is defined in getCMSFields() it will only work if the CMS is opened or refreshed in the Pages section. Opening the window directly into another section such as Files and navigating to Pages will fail to load a config defined in getCMSFields.