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Lander Simulation

Thomas Stucky edited this page May 27, 2023 · 105 revisions

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The OceanWATERS lander model features an antenna mast with a stereoscopic camera pair that can pivot up-down and left-right, a 6-degree-of-freedom (DOF) robotic arm that ends in a three-pronged end-effector selector, and a sample dock for collecting scooped material.

The simulated lander is modeled after the design developed by JPL for the proposed Europa Lander Mission [SDT2016]. The lander model is simulated in Gazebo, with kinematic and dynamic properties specified in Gazebo’s URDF (Unified Robotic Description Format) representation. Lander URDF definition files are located in ow_lander/urdf.

Document Shorthand

When describing ROS Action Goal/Feedback/Result definitions the following shorthands are employed.

  • Point refers to the geometry_msgs/Point message type
  • Pose refers to the geometry_msgs/Pose message type
  • Vector3 refers to the geometry_msgs/Vector3 message type

Dynamics and Kinematic Modeling

The underlying path-planning tool used in the simulator is MoveIt, a ROS package. MoveIt has several in-built motion planning algorithms. We have chosen the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm for OceanWATERS. RRT particularly suits our specific application because the motion of the OceanWATERS lander arm is expected to be slow, and the expected component velocities are low. This means that dynamics effects would have a relatively low impact on the overall motion and forces. RRT*, a variant of RRT achieves asymptotic optimality, which means that an optimal solution will be found with a probability approaching one. RRT* is applicable to systems with simple dynamics, as it relies on the ability to connect any pair of states with an optimal trajectory. RRT* is more computationally intensive and, for this reason, it is used only for planning the sample delivery, and guarded move trajectories in order to have consistent solutions among different action calls. For all other motion planning activities, RRTConnect is used.

The arm and the antenna mast pan-tilt unit are actuated by controllers using a kinematic model. Arm joints are controlled by a proportional-derivative-integral (PID) effort-based controller. For each arm activity, planning is performed using MoveIt with targets given in joint space, Cartesian space or a combination of both. The select MoveIt planner generates a list of waypoints representing the trajectory that needs to be followed to get from the current state of the arm to the desired state. Each waypoint has a list of positions, velocities and accelerations for all joints involved in the current arm activity. The generated trajectory is then sent to the effort_controller/JointTrajectoryController for execution.

When planning an arm trajectory, MoveIt considers a simplified collision model to avoid interference with the lander body parts, as well as the masses and inertia of the rigid links. When executing a trajectory, Gazebo simulates both the kinematics and dynamics of the arm using Open Dynamics Engine (ODE).

Robotic Arm

The OceanWATERS lander arm is designed to acquire icy subsurface samples near the vicinity of the lander. The design of the lander arm consists of a 6-degree-of-freedom (DOF) manipulator with multiple end-effector tools for subsurface sample acquisition. Currently, a notional sample excavation tool and sample collection tool have been implemented. The trench excavation tool is modeled as a conventional grinder, which is capable of creating trenches in solid icy materials at depths greater than 10 cm. The sample collection tool, modeled after the Phoenix Mars Lander Robotic Arm (PML RA) scoop, is responsible for removing unwanted excavated trench material or loose surface material, collecting samples at a target depth, and transferring those samples to the Sample Transfer Dock (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 A: Shoulder link, B: Proximal link, C: Distal link, D: Wrist link, E: Hand link, F: Scoop link, G: Grinder link, a: Sample Transfer Dock

The lander arm is a 6 DOF arm with 7 links and 6 revolute joints. The 7 links are shoulder, proximal, distal, wrist, hand, scoop and grinder (A to G in Figure 1). The 6 joints are shoulder pitch, shoulder yaw, proximal pitch, distal pitch, hand yaw and scoop yaw. The grinder link is fixed to the hand in the simulation, although it could be considered to rotate about its longitudinal axis.

The arm can be programmed to move the end-effectors along particular directions and orientations to excavate and acquire samples. All arm activities are listed in Table of Arm Activities.

End-Effector Force Torque Sensor

Figure 2. The lander model with the distal pitch joint highlighted in red.

The arm has been equipped with an F/T sensor that measures forces and torques that are applied on the distal pitch joint. The location of this joint can be seen in Figure 2. The F/T sensor publishes its readings on the /arm_end_effector_torque topic at a default rate of 200Hz. To view these readings simply execute the following command:

rostopic echo /arm_end_effector_torque

Each reading is represented as geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped message. All the values are expressed in reference to the child link of distal pitch joint which is l_wrist. The lander itself relies on readings of the F/T sensor when carrying some of its operations such as guarded arm movements and ArmFindSurface.

Arm Joint Telemetry

Joint states of the arm can be queried from the following topics. All message definitions can be found in owl_msgs/msg under the file with the same name as the topic, but in CamelCase (e.g. the definition for the message broadcast on /arm_joint_positions is ArmJointPositions.msg)

Topic Units Description
/arm_joint_positions rad Absolute position of joint
/arm_joint_velocties rad/s Angular velocity of joint
/arm_joint_accelerations rad/s^2 Angular acceleration of joint
/arm_joint_torques N·m Torque or effort of joint

Each joint telemetry topic consists of an float64 array of length 7. Each value in the array corresponds to a joint in the arm. The values are ordered alphabetically by the name of the joint they correspond to like in the following table. In the right column figures, the green arrow shows the axis of rotation of the joint.

Index Joint Name Joint Highlighted on Arm
0 j_dist_pitch
1 j_grinder
2 j_hand_yaw
3 j_prox_pitch
4 j_scoop_yaw
5 j_shou_pitch
6 j_shou_yaw

Arm Pose

The pose of the scoop, specifically the l_scoop link, is constantly broadcast on the /arm_pose topic.

ROS Actions for Arm

Arm activities are called via their ROS Actions interface. With ROS Actions one can command the arm without blocking. The autonomy package implements its PLEXIL commands using the ROS Action interface, and third-party autonomy module may do the same via the actionlib API.

ROS Actions may be called from the command line using the executable action client scripts provided in ow_lander/scripts. The flags -h|--help will reveal their arguments and associated default values. For example:

rosrun ow_lander --help

The following ROS Actions have been implemented for control of the arm.

NOTE Sample handling actions, such as for digging a trench, can be found in the Lander Tasks section.


Moves end-effector to the commanded pose. relative and frame both dictate in what frame pose is interpreted in.

Goal int32 frame
bool relative
Pose pose
Feedback Pose pose
Result Pose final_pose
Client Script


Moves end-effector to the commanded pose and stop when sufficient resistance is encountered in the end-effector force/torque sensor. relative and frame both dictate in what frame pose is interpreted in.

Goal int32 frame
bool relative
Pose pose
float64 force_threshold
float64 torque_threshold
Feedback Pose pose
float64 force
float64 torque
Result Pose final_pose
float64 final_force
float64 final_torque
Client Script


Command position of an arm joint. angle is in radians. If relative is true, the joint will move to its current position plus the value of angle.

Goal bool relative
int32 joint
float64 angle
Feedback float64[7] angles
Result float64[7] final_angles
Client Script

Arm Joint Indices

The following table describes the possible values of joint when using ArmMoveJoint. It also explains the float64[7] array in the following two actions, ArmMoveJoints and ArmMoveJointsGuarded. Note that the 7th index exists only to support OWLAT's 7 DoF arm and should be ignored when using OceanWATERS, which has a 6 DoF arm. When constructing an array of positions to be sent with ArmMoveJoints one can simply set the 7th value to zero.

Index Arm Joint
0 shoulder yaw
1 shoulder pitch
2 proximal pitch
3 distal pitch
4 hand yaw
5 scoop yaw
6 ignored by OceanWATERS

WARNING Use of ArmMoveJoint can cause the arm to collide with the lander body and/or the terrain. Some, but not all, invalid motions will be denied by the motion planner (e.g. self-collision of the arm). Use this operation with extreme caution as it can break the simulation.


Command positions of all arm joints at once. If relative is true, each joint will move to its current position plus the value of its corresponding value in angles.

Goal bool relative
float64[7] angles
Feedback float64[7] angles
Result float64[7] final_angles
Client Script

Refer to the above table, Arm Joint Indices, for the semantics of the float64[7] arrays.

WARNING Use of ArmMoveJoints can cause the arm to collide with the lander body and/or the terrain. Some, but not all, invalid motions will be denied by the motion planner (e.g. self-collision of the arm). Use this operation with extreme caution as it can break the simulation.


Set position of all arm joints and stop when sufficient resistance is encountered in the end-effector force/torque sensor. If relative is true, each joint will move to its current position plus the value of its corresponding value in angles.

Goal bool relative
float64[7] angles
float64 force_threshold
float64 torque_threshold
Feedback float64[7] angles
float64 force
float64 torque
Result float64[7] final_angles
float64 final_force
float64 final_torque
Client Script

Refer to the above table, Arm Joint Indices, for the semantics of the float64[7] arrays.


Poke surface with the scoop end-effector. position is the estimated surface position that will be poked. relative and frame both dictate in what frame position is interpreted in. normal is the estimated normal of the surface, and is always in the base_link frame. distance is the distance along the normal the poke trajectory will begin, and overdrive is the maximum distance the end-effector will drive past the estimated surface position.

Goal int32 frame
bool relative
Point position
Vector3 normal
float64 distance
float64 overdrive
float64 force_threshold
float64 torque_threshold
Feedback Pose pose
float64 distance
float64 force
float64 torque
Result Pose final_pose
float64 final_distance
float64 final_force
float64 final_torque
Client Script


Immediately cease any arm movement or sample handling tasks and abort its corresponding ROS Action.

Goal none
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


Move lander arm to stowed configuration. This is the same configuration that the arm starts the simulation in, and is the configuration that consumes the least amount of power to maintain.

Goal none
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


Move lander arm to unstowed configuration. It is good practice to do this prior to most arm operations, so long as sample is not being held inside the scoop.

Goal none
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script

GuardedMove (deprecated)

Guarded move operation is used to detect the ground through arm motions. The arm is moved slowly towards the ground and the the force torque sensor readings are used to detect contact.

Goal Point start
Point normal
float32 search_distance
Feedback Point current
Result Point final
bool success
Client Script

NOTE In general this action is replaced by ArmFindSurface, however PLEXIL plans still rely on GuardedMove to find the ground position. Eventually, the plans will be updated to get this information through ArmFindSurface, which supports all the functionality of GuardedMove, and more.

Lander Antenna Mast

A high gain antenna is mounted on a pan/tilt head. The antenna is designed to cover the full sky. It is possible to point the antenna at a direction in the sky using either pan/tilt joint positions or Cartesian space coordinates.


The lander has two spotlights on the top two corners of the antenna. The light intensity can be individually adjusted for each spotlight using the ROS Action SetLightIntensity.

Further Reading

For a better understanding of the illumination model used for both environment lights and lander lights, refer to the Illumination section .


The final step in the visual simulation pipeline is a camera simulation. Once images are rendered from the point of view of lander cameras, they are post-processed to simulate the characteristics of a digital camera. Specifically, the lander cameras are modeled after the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mastcam-34 camera and have the following specifications:

  • 34 mm focal length (21° x 15° FOV)

  • f/8 lens

  • ISO 1301

The camera simulation is implemented as a Gazebo plugin, which uses a GLSL shader to generate the final rendered image. The plugin is used to simulate each of the stereo cameras on the lander. Specifically, they are Gazebo Multicameras and simulate two monocular cameras that can be simultaneously triggered by either the left or right camera. The plugin is also utilized by the camera in gzclient, Gazebo’s GUI. Camera and image acquisition parameters are settable via a number of ROS topics. Adjusting the settings on the gzclient camera is an easy way to preview what the lander will see if you make the same adjustments to its cameras.

Figure 3. Camera image acquisition pipeline model.

The various steps involved in producing the final rendered camera image are illustrated in Figure 3. The circles between the rectangles represent the steps performed by our camera simulation.

The following ROS topics can be used to customize camera behavior. Camera specific parameters (energy_conversion, read_noise, shot_noise, and adc_bits) default to emulate MSL Mastcam-34 properties. The default exposure is tuned to capture a properly exposed image in daylight on Europa. Sensor gain and gamma default to having no effect. Exposure can additionally be set with the ROS Action CameraSetExposure.

ROS topic Default Value Units
0.05 seconds
0.005 pixel value* per f-number lux second
0.8 pixel value*
0.3 n/a
1.0 n/a
1.0 n/a
12.0 n/a

* pixel values are integers in the interval [0, 2adc_bits - 1]

Converting light energy to sensor signal is a complex electronic process that will be slightly different in each camera model. Since the details of the energy conversion process may not be readily available for specific sensors or cameras, we represent it with one settable value called energy_conversion. A gamma adjustment is not found in digital cameras, but we include it as a convenient way to adjust what is seen in gzclient. The bit-depth of analog-to-digital converter sampling is called adc_bits. Its effect will be invisible to the human eye unless set very low (lower than 8), but it may have an effect on computer image algorithms.

Any of these topics can be set while the simulation is running by issuing a command such as:

rostopic pub -1 /gazebo/plugins/camera_sim/exposure std_msgs/Float64 0.04

Remember to insert gui/ into the topic name if you want to affect the gzclient camera instead of the lander camera.

Further Reading

For additional usage details, see irg_open/irg_gazebo_plugins/src/IRGCameraSimPlugins/

Antenna Mast Joint Telemetry

Both pan and tilt joint positions for the antenna mast system are broadcast on the /pan_tilt_position topic as a float64 array of length 2. The 1st value in the array is the pan position and the 2nd value is the tilt position. Both are represented in radians.

ROS Actions for Antenna Mast


Capture images with both antenna mast cameras.

Goal none
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


Set camera exposure level. automatic is there only for OWLAT, and does nothing in OceanWATERS because exposure must be set manually. If the provided value for exposure is equal to or less than 0 the current exposure setting will be retained.

Goal bool automatic
float64 exposure
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


Set intensity of either antenna mast spotlights. name can be either "left" or "right", corresponding to the left and right spotlights. intensity must be between 0 and 1, 1 being the brightest setting.

Goal string name
float64 intensity
Feedback none
Result bool success
string message
Client Script


Pan and tilt lander's antenna mast to point stereo-cameras at a point in space. frame selects in which reference frame point will be interpreted.

Goal int32 frame
Point point
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


Pan and tilt lander's antenna mast to provided pan and tilt joint positions.

Goal float64 pan
float64 tilt
Feedback float64 pan_position
float64 tilt_position
Result float64 pan_position
float64 tilt_position
Client Script


Change only the pan position of antenna mast.

Goal float64 pan
Feedback float64 pan_position
Result float64 pan_position
Client Script


Change only the tilt position of antenna mast.

Goal float64 tilt
Feedback float64 tilt_position
Result float64 tilt_position
Client Script

Lander Tasks

Here we list all other activities the lander can do and can be invoked via ROS Action calls.


Ingest material present in the sample dock. If no sample is present, the sample_ingested Result parameter will be False.

Goal none
Feedback none
Result bool sample_ingested
Client Script


Deliver samples present in the scoop end-effector to the sample dock.

Goal none
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


Samples in the scoop end-effector can be discarded if it is of no scientific value. The Discard action dumps the contents of the scoop somewhere above a spot on the terrain indicated by point. height is the distance above the surface the scoop will position itself for the dump. relative and frame both dictate in what frame point is interpreted in.

Goal int32 frame
bool relative
Point point
float64 height
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


The grinder end-effector is used to process hard surface material into tailings that can be then be removed with a scoop task for processing or disposal.

If parallel is True, the trench will extend out from the surface position, indicated by x_start and y_start, in the direction parallel to the vector that connects the lander base to the surface position by a distance of length. If parallel is False, the trench will extend from the same position but in a direction perpendicular to that vector.

Goal float32 x_start
float32 y_start
float32 depth
float32 length
bool parallel
float32 ground_position
Feedback Point current
Result Point final
Client Script

NOTE Changes to the TaskGrind's Goal, Feedback, and Result more similar to commands like TaskScoopCircular's are still pending.


The scoop end-effector is used to excavate tailings left over from a grind task. The scoop digs with a circular motion at a position on the surface indicated by point. relative and frame both dictate in what frame point is interpreted in.

If parallel is True, the scoop will start its dig at the surface position, indicated by point, facing away from the lander and move in the direction parallel to the vector that connects the lander base to the surface position. If parallel is False, the scoop will face and move in a direction perpendicular to that vector.

Goal int32 frame
bool relative
Point point
float64 depth
bool parallel
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script


The scoop end-effector is used to excavate tailings left over from a grind task. The scoop digs with a linear motion that starts at the position on the surface indicated by point. relative and frame both dictate in what frame point is interpreted in.

Goal int32 frame
bool relative
Point point
float64 depth
float64 length
Feedback none
Result none
Client Script

Power System

The lander is powered by a set of non-rechargeable lithium-ion battery packs to perform all its operations. Under the current operational requirements, the battery pack is discharged completely at the end of a mission. To support these requirements, it is crucial to understand the behavior of the battery pack system under different loading conditions and to capture its operation in the form of a developed first-principles model. The model can then be used to estimate the current health of the battery packs and predict end of discharge and remaining useful life (RUL), i.e. time to reach the lowest usable voltage based on future loading conditions. Note that the current integrated model simulates a single cell. A battery pack model comprising multiple cells is currently in development.

The modular Generic Software Architecture for Prognostics (GSAP) tool integrates a battery model and a prognostics algorithm. The prognostics algorithm employs a Monte Carlo framework to simulate the battery model open loop until a set lower threshold for state of charge is crossed. State of charge (SOC) is defined as the ratio of the available capacity Q(t) and the maximum possible charge that can be stored in a battery. The computationally efficient GSAP models capture electrochemical processes in the battery, estimate accurately its SOC, and predict battery voltage and temperature under different operating conditions of the lander. The prognostics algorithm output provides information to the autonomy module based on which the lander can be commanded to perform desired actions, based on the time of operation, SOC, RUL, the temperature of the battery pack, etc. Currently, there are limited reactionary measures taken by the autonomy node based on power system feedback.

The SOC, RUL, and temperature values are published on ROS topics each time a new average mechanical power output value is received from the lander. The average computing power and average power consumption from other lander functions such as cameras and thermal systems are currently not included in the power consumption estimates, so the power consumption parameter may need to be adjusted by the user for more specific cases. A mechanical to electrochemical power conversion model has been implemented to realistically represent the power requirements of the system.

Related faults may be injected to simulate power system failures or operations in battery-constrained situations. The types of faults and specific descriptions of the scenarios they simulate can be found in the Fault Injection and Modeling section of this user guide.

See Appendix A and [Daigle2013] for additional details.

Power System Node and Telemetry

Using the battery model described above, the ROS node implementing the power system takes into account the power used by joint actions, and it publishes three topics:

ROS topic Units Description
/battery_state_of_charge n/a Median estimation of the current battery voltage level. 1 is a full battery and 0 is a depleted battery
/battery_remaining_useful_life seconds The current median prediction for time left until the end of discharge.
/battery_temperature Celsius The current best estimate of battery temperature.

The topics are published each time a new average mechanical power output value is received from the lander. The average computing power and average power consumption from other lander functions such as cameras and thermal systems are currently not included in the power consumption estimates, so the power consumption parameter may need to be adjusted by the user for more specific cases. A mechanical to electrochemical power conversion model has been implemented to realistically represent the power requirements of the system.

Faults may also be injected into the node described above to simulate power system failures or operations in battery- constrained situations. The types of faults and specific descriptions to the scenarios they simulate can be found in the Fault Injection and Modeling section of the user guide.

Supplemental Activity Tables

The different subsystems on-board the OceanWATERS lander can be commanded via ROS Actions. The activities and their associated action client scripts are listed in the following tables.

Summary of Arm Activities

Arm Activities Description ROS Action Client
(found in ow_lander/scripts)
ArmMoveCartesian Move end-effector to pose.
ArmMoveCartesianGuarded Move end-effector to pose; stop for resistance.
ArmMoveJoint Set position of a joint in the arm.
ArmMoveJoints Move arm to a configuration of joint positions.
ArmMoveJointsGuarded Move arm to a configuration of joint positions; stop for resistance.
ArmFindSurface Poke surface with the end-effector.
ArmStop Cease arm movement and abort arm action.
ArmStow Move arm to the stowed configuration.
ArmUnstow Move arm to the unstowed configuration.
GuardedMove Deprecated version of ArmFindSurface.

Summary of Antenna Mast Activities

Antenna Mast Activities Description ROS Action Client
(found in ow_lander/scripts)
CameraCapture Capture images with both antenna mast cameras.
CameraSetExposure Set exposure level of both antenna mast cameras.
LightSetIntensity Set intensity of either antenna mast spotlight.
PanTiltMoveCartesian Pan and tilt antenna mast to look at a point in space.
PanTiltMoveJoints Pan and tilt antenna mast to provided pan and tilt joint positions.
Pan Change only the pan position of antenna mast.
Tilt Change only the tilt position of antenna mast.

Summary of Lander Tasks

Lander Tasks Description ROS Action Client
(found in ow_lander/scripts)
DockIngestSample Ingests sample contained inside the sample dock.
TaskDeliverSample Deliver sample present in the scoop to sample dock.
TaskDiscardSample Discard sample present in the scoop above some point on the surface.
TaskGrind Process hard surface material into tailings.
TaskScoopCircular Clear out tailings using a circular scooping motion.
TaskScoopLinear Clear out tailings using a linear scooping motion.

Available Activity Frames

For those activities or tasks that support the frame parameter, the following is a table of the allowed frames. In the accompanying diagrams, the 🔴red🔴 rod is the x-axis, the 🟢green🟢 rod is the y-axis, and the 🔵blue🔵 rod is the z-axis.

Gazebo Frame Index Description Diagram
base_link 0 Center bottom of lander. Does not move.
l_scoop_tip 1 Tip of scoop blade. Moves with scoop.

[SDT2016] Europa Lander Science Definition Team Report

[Daigle2013] M. Daigle and C. Kulkarni, “Electrochemistry based Battery Modeling for Prognostics”, Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM 2013), October 2013, New Orleans, LA.