- PetaLinux, Xilinx tools 2018.2
- Avnet JTAG/Serial board attached to U96 V2
- U96 v2 with zero ohm in following position:
- Pull xilinx Linux source: git clone https://github.com/FredKellerman/linux-xlnx
- cd [linux src repo] then get on branch: git checkout dev_sandeep
- In seperate dir, pull bsp repo: git clone https://github.com/FredKellerman/ultra96v2_valtest_2018_2
- cd [bsp repo] then get on branch: git checkout dev_sandeep
- Then modify config file (CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_LINUX__KERNEL_NAME_EXT_LOCAL_SRC_PATH) to point it to your local Linux source: ultra96v2_valtest_2018_2/project-spec/configs/config (Note: see commit history for example)
- petalinux-build
- petalinux-package --boot --fsbl images/linux/zynqmp_fsbl.elf --fpga ./images/linux/system.bit --uboot --force
- Copy files to SD card
- Boot, login via serial (root, root), execute /home/root/wifi.sh