Simply converts the data from CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 to JSON format.
2 JSON files for global and US only covid-19 cases.
Updated once a day with the main CSV repo.
Get the JSON file from
The file contains COVID-19 confirmed, deaths, and recovered cases for every country and every day since 1/22/2020, and the structure looks like this:
"US": {
"lat": "37.0902",
"lng": "-95.7129",
"code": "US",
"flag": "🇺🇸",
"timeSeries": [
"date": "1/22/20",
"confirmed": 1,
"deaths": 0,
"recovered": 0
"date": "1/23/20",
"confirmed": 1,
"deaths": 0,
"recovered": 0
"date": "1/24/20",
"confirmed": 2,
"deaths": 0,
"recovered": 0
Fetch and use.
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
const {lat, lng, code, flag, timeSeries} = data['US'];
// ...
Get the JSON file from
The file contains COVID-19 confirmed and deaths cases for every city and every day since 1/22/2020, and the structure looks like this:
"New York": {
"lat": "40.767272600000005",
"lng": "-73.97152637",
"state": "New York",
"combinatedName": "New York City, New York, US",
"population": "5803210",
"timeSeries": [
"date": "1/22/20",
"confirmed": 0,
"deaths": 0
"date": "1/23/20",
"confirmed": 0,
"deaths": 0
"date": "4/4/20",
"confirmed": 63306,
"deaths": 1905
Fetch and use.
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
const {lat, lng, state, combinatedName, population, timeSeries} = data['New York'];
// ...
NOTE: The US timeseries file is a big one, about 6MB.
If you're using this repo in your project feel free to add it here.