Visualize and build antibody proteins with Nanome.
When run, any selected antibody in the workspace will be colored according to the IMGT CDR Color Menu
The plugin also opens a menu which provides easy selection of cdr loops and chains.
To run Antibodies in a Docker container:
$ cd docker
$ ./
$ ./ [run_args]
These args are passed to, and then forwarded to the Plugin's command
usage: [-h] [-a HOST] [-p PORT] [-r] [-v] [-n NAME] [-k KEYFILE]
[-i IGNORE] [--write-log-file WRITE_LOG_FILE]
Starts a Nanome Plugin.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a HOST, --host HOST connects to NTS at the specified IP address
-p PORT, --port PORT connects to NTS at the specified port
-r, --auto-reload Restart plugin automatically if a .py or .json file in
current directory changes
-v, --verbose enable verbose mode, to display Logs.debug
-n NAME, --name NAME Name to display for this plugin in Nanome
-k KEYFILE, --keyfile KEYFILE
Specifies a key file or key string to use to connect
to NTS
-i IGNORE, --ignore IGNORE
To use with auto-reload. All paths matching this
pattern will be ignored, use commas to specify
several. Supports */?/[seq]/[!seq]
--write-log-file WRITE_LOG_FILE
Enable or disable writing logs to .log file
To run Antibodies with autoreload:
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -r [run_args]