A curated list of Android Complete References at one place. A complete reference for android developers. Here you can find references about everything you use while Android Development.
- How to learn Android Development - A complete guide to learn android app development.
- Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions.
- Become a complete Android developer - How to become a complete Android developer?
- Learn Android MVP Architecture - Android MVP Course. Learn MVP in the simplest way.
- Learn RxJava - RxJava Tutorials - Learn RxJava By Examples.
- I have 1 year of experience in Android. Now What? - I have 1 year of experience in Android. Now What?
- Android-MVP-Architecture - A complete android project based on MVP architecture.
- Android MVP Sample Application - A very basic android sample application on MVP architecture.
- Android MVP Interactor - A complete android project based on MVP architecture enhanced with Interactors and Repositories.
- Blog Post on MVP Architecture - Essential Guide For Designing Your Android App Architecture.
- Android-MVVM-Architecture - Example Project for MVVM architecture.
- MVVM on Android using RxJava and Data Binding - Sample project to demonstrate a coding pattern based on MVVM.
- Architecture Components - Android MVP with new Architecture Components.
- Mindorks Open Source Projects - Mindorks Open Source Projects
- Android Arsenal - Largest Reference for 3rd party libraries.
- JStumpp Android Awesome - The reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Snowdream Android Awesome - The reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Fast Android Networking - Fast Android Networking is a powerful library for doing any type of networking in Android applications.
- Android Debug Database - Android Debug Database is a powerful library for debugging databases and shared preferences in Android applications.
- PRDownloader - PRDownloader - A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support.
- Glide Bitmap Pool - Glide Bitmap Pool is a memory management library for reusing the bitmap memory.
- NYBus - NYBus - A pub-sub library for Android and Java applications. It is implemented using RxJava(RxJava2).
- Android Awesome UI - The reference for Android 3rd party UI libraries.
- Square Libraries - Android Libraries by Square.
- Android Libraries By Facebook - Android 3rd Party Libraries By Facebook.
- Android Libraries - Another reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Android Libraries - Another reference for 3rd party libraries.
- Awesome Android @LibHunt - Your go-to Android Toolbox.
- Android Kotlin Libraries - A reference for 3rd party Kotlin libraries.
- Gradle Please - Gradle Dependencies for Libraries.
- Android UI/UX - The reference for Android Best UI/UX.
- Android Icon Generator - Generator for icons and other assets.
- Material Design Icons - Material Design Icons
- Material Up - MaterialUp curates the best of Material Design
- Android Asset Studio - A collection of tools to easily generate assets such as launcher icons for your Android app.
- Awesome Android Performance - The reference for Android Performance.
- Reusing Bitmap Memory - How to use Bitmap Pool in Android ?
- Glide Bitmap Pool - Glide Bitmap Pool is a memory management library for reusing the bitmap memory.
- Battery Optimization for Android Apps - Battery Optimization for Android Apps.
- Memory Churn and Performance - Android Performance Patterns: Memory Churn and Performance.
- Performance Cost of Memory Leaks - Android Performance Patterns: Performance Cost of Memory Leaks.
- Android Performance Pattern - Android Performance Pattern from Google.
- Android Image Compression - Best Guide For Image Compression.
- FlatBuffer Vs JSON - Why consider flatBuffer over JSON.
- Android Proguard Snippets - Android Proguard Rules for Common 3rd Party Libraries.
- APK size reduction - Guide for apk size reduction.
- Android Instant Run - Instant Run: How Does it Work?.
- Method Count Library - A website to check method count of 3rd party libraries.
- Method Count APK - A website to check method count of an APK.
- Using Fast Android Networking - Android Fast And Easy Networking
- Comparing Android NDK and RenderScript - Comparing Android NDK and RenderScript
- Android App Optimization Using ArrayMap and SparseArray - Android App Optimization Using ArrayMap and SparseArray
- Android App Performance Metrics - Metrics that you should measure continuously while android application development
- Android Development Best Practices - Android Development Best Practices.
- Awesome Android Open Source Libraries - Awesome Android Open Source Libraries.
- Must Have Libraries - Guides for Must Have Libraries.
- Android Best Practices - Android Best Practices.
- Building Android Apps - Building Android Apps - Better Way.
- Thread Pool Executor - Using ThreadPoolExecutor in Android.
- Developing Android - A series of articles from Googler Chet Hasae and others, answering most commonly asked question: "What are some of the important rules to keep in mind when developing Android applications?".
- Google I/O Android App - Google I/O Sources Code ,Best Coding Guidelines for Android Developers
- Android GitIgnore - Android GitIgnore.
- Android Architecture - Android Architecture Blueprints.
- Android Open Project - Android Open Source Project subtotals.
- Open Source Android App Codes - List of Android Application which have open source code.
- Git Tips - Useful git tips required while development.
- Using StrictMode in Android - Use StrictMode To Find Things You Did By Accident In Android Development
- Android Activity Launchmode Explained - Android Activity Launchmode
- Understanding the Task and the Back Stack in Android - Task and the Back Stack in Android
- Understanding Context In Android - Use Correct Context To Avoid Memory Leaks
- Improve Your Android Coding Through Annotations - Improve Your Android Coding Through Annotations
- Learn Kotlin - lateinit vs lazy - Learn Kotlin - lateinit vs lazy
- Learn Kotlin - apply vs with - Learn Kotlin - apply vs with
- Learn Kotlin - Extension Functions - Learn Kotlin - Extension Functions
- Learn Kotlin - Data Class - Learn Kotlin - Data Class
- Year Class Library - Why use Facebook’s Android Device Year Class Library?
- How to reduce APK size in android - How to reduce APK size in android?
- Android Studio Plugins - How to become more productive in android with android studio plugins
- APK Split - How to create multiple apk files for android application?
- Implementation Vs Api - Implementation Vs Api in Android Gradle plugin 3.0
- Android Studio Plugins - How to become more productive in android with android studio plugins
- New Dagger 2 Android Injector - The New Dagger 2 Android Injector
- What are Coroutines in Kotlin? - What are Coroutines in Kotlin?
- Android Weekly - Android Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development.
- Android Dev Digest - A Handcrafted Weekly AndroidDev Newsletter.
- Android Development Useful Tools - Android Development Useful Tools
- Android Things - About Android Things
- Why Every Developer Should Write Blog - Why Every Developer Should Write Blog
- Mindorks Blog - Mindorks Blog.
- Android Medium Blog - Android Medium Blog.
- Android Mindorks Blog - Android Mindorks Blog.
- Android Developers Blog - Android Developers Blog.
- Official Android Blog - Official Android Blog.
- CodePath Android - The Complete tutorial for Android Developement with examples.
- Android Examples Codes - The reference for Android Examples Codes.
- Android Tutorial Guide - The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development.
- Google Android Sample Codes - Sample Codes From Google.
- Google Code Lab - Google code lab.
- Android Development - Android Development complete guide from Google.
- Android Guides - Extensive Open-Source Guides for Android Developers.
- Udacity Tutorials - Udacity Tutorials.
- Vogella Tutorials - Very good tutorials by Lars Vogel.
- Android Examples - Andriod Examples.
- Learn RxJava - RxJava Tutorials.
- Learn RxJava In The Best Way - Learn RxJava.
- Learn RxJava - Simplest way to learn RxJava by example.
- RxJava2-Android-Samples - Learning RxJava for Android by example.
- Learning RxJava Subject by example - Understanding RxJava Subject — Publish, Replay, Behavior and Async Subject.
- Implement Search Using RxJava Operators - Implement Search Using RxJava Operators -
. - RxJava-Android-Samples - Learning RxJava for Android by example.
- Learn Dagger2 - A Complete Guide To Learn Dagger 2.
- Learn Kotlin - A Complete Guide To Learn Kotlin.
- From Java To Kotlin - Your Cheat Sheet For Java To Kotlin.
- Introduction to Dagger2 - Part 1 - The simplest introduction to dagger2, Dependency Injection in Android Application.
- Introduction to Dagger2 - Part 2 - The simplest introduction to dagger2, Dependency Injection in Android Application.
- Awesome Android Things - A curated list of awesome android things, tutorials, libraries and much more at one place.
- Android TensorFlow Machine Learning Example - Building TensorFlow for Android.
- Creating Custom Model For Android Using TensorFlow - Building TensorFlow Model for Android.
- Using SnapHelper in RecyclerView - Using SnapHelper in RecyclerView.
- Software Engineering for Front-end Developers - Software Engineering 101 for Front-end Developers.
- Android Package Name Vs Application ID - Android Package Name Vs Application ID.
- How The Android Image Loading Library Glide and Fresco Works? - How The Android Image Loading Library Glide and Fresco Works?
- Using interpolators in Android - Understanding Interpolators in Android.
- Powerful Android ORM: greenDAO 3 Tutorial - Powerful Android ORM: greenDAO 3 Tutorial.
- Learn Kotlin while developing an Android App - Great Kotlin tutorial while developing real app.
- Practical Data Structures Guide for Android developers - Practical Data Structures Guide for Android developers.
- Learn Kotlin - from Java to Kotlin - From Java to Kotlin Cheat Sheet
- Glide - Getting Started - Learn how to use Glide, an image loading library
- How Voice And Video Call Works? - How Voice And Video Call Works?
- PRDownloader - A File Downloader Library For Android
- Understanding Types Of Observables In RxJava - Understanding Types Of Observables In RxJava
- Updating it on daily basis as much as possible, work in progess[WIP].
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