What's Changed
- chore: bump version to v0.3.3 in install/kustomization.yaml by @github-actions in #271
- chore: update e2e.yml by @nakamasato in #270
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.12.1 by @renovate in #273
- fix(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.17.0 by @renovate in #275
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 8ade135 by @renovate in #274
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.28.0 by @renovate in #276
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.11.2 by @renovate in #279
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.13.0 by @renovate in #277
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.28.3 by @renovate in #280
- fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.16.3 by @renovate in #281
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to b4ffde6 by @renovate in #282
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.28.1 by @renovate in #283
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.29.0 by @renovate in #284
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.11.3 by @renovate in #286
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.11.4 by @renovate in #287
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.30.0 by @renovate in #288
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.28.4 by @renovate in #290
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.13.1 by @renovate in #289
- fix(deps): update k8s.io/utils digest to cf03d44 by @renovate in #291
- fix(deps): update k8s.io/utils digest to b307cd5 by @renovate in #292
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-python action to v5 by @renovate in #294
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v5 by @renovate in #295
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.13.2 by @renovate in #293
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v3 by @renovate in #296
- fix(deps): update module github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4 to v4.17.0 by @renovate in #299
- fix(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.18.0 by @renovate in #300
- fix(deps): update k8s.io/utils digest to e7106e6 by @renovate in #301
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.14.0 by @renovate in #302
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.15.0 by @renovate in #304
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.31.0 by @renovate in #305
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.31.1 by @renovate in #306
- fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.17.0 by @nakamasato in #307
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.29.1 by @renovate in #297
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.11.5 by @renovate in #308
- chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v6 by @renovate in #309
- chore(deps): update pre-commit/action action to v3.0.1 by @renovate in #312
- chore(deps): update golang docker tag to v1.22 by @renovate in #311
- fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.17.1 by @renovate in #313
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v4 by @renovate in #314
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.29.2 by @renovate in #315
- fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.17.2 by @renovate in #316
- fix(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.19.0 by @renovate in #318
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.16.0 by @renovate in #320
- fix(deps): update module go.uber.org/zap to v1.27.0 by @renovate in #317
- chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4 by @renovate in #310
- fix(deps): update module github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to v1.8.0 by @renovate in #321
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.11.6 by @renovate in #324
- fix(deps): update k8s.io/utils digest to 4693a02 by @renovate in #322
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.29.3 by @renovate in #325
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.17.0 by @renovate in #326
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.32.0 by @renovate in #327
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.12.0 by @renovate in #328
- fix(deps): update module github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #331
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.17.1 by @renovate in #329
- fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.17.3 by @renovate in #332
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.29.4 by @renovate in #333
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.33.0 by @renovate in #335
- fix(deps): update module github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4 to v4.17.1 by @renovate in #336
- chore(deps): update dependency go to v1.22.2 by @renovate in #337
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 1d96c77 by @renovate in #338
- fix(deps): update k8s.io/utils digest to 0849a56 by @renovate in #339
- chore: reorganize github actions by @nakamasato in #340
- chore: delete .github/workflows/golangci-lint.yml by @nakamasato in #341
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v5 by @renovate in #343
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 0ad4b8f by @renovate in #344
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.17.2 by @renovate in #345
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.33.1 by @renovate in #346
- fix(deps): update module k8s.io/utils to v0.0.0-20240502163921-fe8a2dddb1d0 by @renovate in #347
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.13.0 by @renovate in #348
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v6 by @renovate in #349
- chore(deps): update dependency go to v1.22.3 by @renovate in #351
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.17.3 by @renovate in #350
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 44c2b7a by @renovate in #352
- fix(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.19.1 by @renovate in #353
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to a5ac7e5 by @renovate in #354
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.18.0 by @renovate in #355
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.13.1 by @renovate in #356
- fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.19.0 by @renovate in #357
- chore(deps): update dependency go to v1.22.4 by @renovate in #358
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 692973e by @renovate in #359
- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v6 by @renovate in #360
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.13.2 by @renovate in #361
- POC: support for k8s secrets by @ffais in #330
- chore(deps): update dependency go to v1.22.5 by @renovate in #363
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.13.3 by @renovate in #362
- fix(deps): update module cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager to v1.13.4 by @renovate in #364
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.4.0