YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny Implemented in Tensorflow 2.3.
This repository shows how to convert YOLO v4, YOLOv3, YOLO tiny .weights to .pb, .tflite and trt format for tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tensorRT.
conda env create -f conda-cpu.yml
# activate environment on Windows or Linux
conda activate tf-cpu
# activate environment on Mac
source activate tf-cpu
conda env create -f conda-gpu.yml
# activate environment on Windows or Linux
conda activate tf-gpu
# activate environment on Mac
source activate tf-gpu
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-gpu.txt
Note: If installing GPU version with Pip, you need to install CUDA and cuDNN in your system. You can find the tutorial for Windows here.
# Convert darknet weights to tensorflow
## yolov4
python save_model.py --weights ./data/path/to/weights/file --output ./checkpoints/save/folder/name --input_size 416 --model yolov4
## yolov4-tiny
python save_model.py --weights ./data/path/to/tiny/weights/file --output ./checkpoints/save/folder/name --input_size 416 --model yolov4 --tiny
If you want to run yolov3 or yolov3-tiny change --model yolov3
in command and also download corresponding YOLOv3 weights and and change --weights to ./data/yolov3.weights
# Run yolov4 on image
python detect-tiles.py
# Save tf model for tflite converting
python save_model.py --weights ./data/path/to/weights/file --output ./checkpoints/yolov4-416 --input_size 416 --model yolov4 --framework tflite
# yolov4
python convert_tflite.py --weights ./checkpoints/save/folder/name --output ./checkpoints/save/folder/name/*.tflite
# yolov4 quantize float16
python convert_tflite.py --weights ./checkpoints/save/folder/name --output ./checkpoints/save/folder/name/*.tflite --quantize_mode float16
# yolov4 quantize int8
python convert_tflite.py --weights ./checkpoints/save/folder/name --output ./checkpoints/save/folder/name/*.tflite --quantize_mode int8
# Run demo tflite model
python detect-tiles-lite.py
People who don't want to compromise their data can download this repo and create a virtual environment shown above and run
python gui.py