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Version Control

Increments version number based on git tags.


Install the script on the developer and build machines.

curl -o /usr/local/bin/version && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/version

Git Project Setup

Command Instructions
cp /usr/local/bin/version Install the script on the developer and build machines.
git init && version init Init the repo and create the first tag.
git checkout -b develop Start commiting code on the develop branch.
version release Create a new release from the develop to the master branch, pushing the changes to origin.


version workflow git graph

The initial version must be provided in the repository master branch for the current version to be extracted. Its format defines how the next versions are calculated:

  • 2 digits (major.minor) will produce a 3 digit version next
  • 3 digits (major.minor.patch) will continue the 3 digit scheme
  • 4 digits ( will use the last field to keep a global counter of releases

version init will setup this for you using the 4 digits format by default.

Using the release command will merge the current develop into master, tagging it with the next patch version number and merging that tag back to develop.

The hotfix-start command creates a temporary branch from master where commits can be made and hotfix-finish will merge those changes back to master and tag it with the next patch version number. Hotfix commits can be manually merged into develop if needed.

Jenkins Configuration


Source code management:

Configure your git repository URL and branch to build, then click advanced and set:

  • Skip internal tag: true
  • Use shallow clone: false

Otherwise you'll get the wrong version number.

Build steps:

  • Execute shell:
    echo CURRENT_VERSION=$(python "/usr/local/bin/version" show) > envvars
  • Inject environment variables - Properties File Path: envvars

The CURRENT_VERSION variable will then be available to use in your build environment, containing the version obtained from the most recent git tag.