Automate installation process of waydroid on almost any linux distro
It automates the process of installing waydroid - A container base approach to boot a full android system on a regular GNU/LINUX system
This installer supports waydroid android version 10
Always pay attention to major warning signs indicated by the script else waydroid may fail to boot or not operate properly
Install firefox on waydroid if you are running fedora
During first launch including after a reboot, it may take up to 2-3 minutes before anything would be visible on your screen
- Installs waydroid on distro with no support for wayland
- Ability to install waydroid on any linux pc
- Choose if you need GAPPS or not
- Makes waydroid launch easier on weston enabled pc with the help of a desktop icon
- Downgrade and upgrade kernels and distro version where neccessary
During development wd-installer was tested on the following desktop enviroment:
git clone
cd waydroid-installer
chmod +x *
git clone && cd waydroid-installer && bash
For google playstore and other service to function properly you need to retrieve your android build code using
echo ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT=/apex/ sqlite3 /data/data/ "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";" | sudo waydroid shell
Afterward copy the output and paste here and restart waydroid using
sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container
Things might not go as plan due to we forgetting to add one or two thing and thus you would be presented with an error message. Well this is a quick fix to known errors
Run the below command if you are either
- Stucked at boot screen
- waited longer than 5-10 minutes and nothing shows on weston compositor close weston compositor, open a terminal and paste this there:
sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container
If you see a message saying python3-gbinder not installed or as an unmet dependency on any debian distro then do this:
curl -s | bash
After that you are good to go
Installer support for:
- Debian distros
- Arch distros
- Fedora
- Desktop launcher for weston session
- Solus
- Android 11
- Offline support for installing waydroid if you have the images
- Added aurora store support for vanilla install
Sometimes things don't go as planned and you need to remove it all and start over. To do that, follow the steps below:
sudo bash
- For Queries:
- Contributions , issues , and feature requests are welcome!
- Give a ★ if you like this project!