This is a sockjs implementation on top of the http-kit server.
On the server the methojure.sockjs.session.SockjsConnection
protocol must be implemented.
Here is simple echo implementation. Make sure the each method returns the session object.
(use 'methojure.sockjs.session)
(defrecord EchoConnection []
;; on open is call whenever a new session is initiated.
(on-open [this session] session)
;; on message is call when a new message arrives at the server.
(on-message [this session msg]
(send! session {:type :msg :content msg}))
;; when a connection closes this method is called
(on-close [this session] session))
Next we can create an compojure handler:
(use 'compojure.core 'methojure.sockjs.core)
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/" [] "hello world")
(sockjs-handler "/echo" (->EchoConnection) {:response-limit 4096}))
We are now ready to run a http-kit server:
(use 'org.httpkit.server 'ring.middleware.params)
(run-server (-> my-routes (wrap-params)) {:port 8000})
NOTE: Please do not forget the ring params
The server is tested with the Sockjs-Protocol
test suite. Running lein test
will automatically check out the repository, start the
server and run the suite. Currently not all test pass. Some will fail because the test suite
uses different Websocket protocol implementation that do not work with http-kit.
For development you can start the server with
lein run -m methojure.sockjs.test.protocol-test-server
and execute the test manually with
./target/sockjs-protocol/venv/bin/python ./target/sockjs-protocol/
For more info and all requirements to execute the test have a look at the Sockjs-Protocol test suite repository.
- Clojurescript wrapper around the sockjs client
- Fix remaining server tests or validate that they do not have to pass