This is the Introduction of our repository, for the project-1 of natural language process (CS3602).
For those who maintaining the project, please be aware that you should work under the directories that you are respond to.
The project now is under constructions so the structure will be released soon.
Release soon.
We will provide links for our output-loss only finetuned model and whole sequence model by the following links(named masked and unmasked):
download links by Baidu NetDisk, password 1234
download links by SJTU jBox, students and staff only, no dataset and base model
- The finetune-evaluation code is
, for the previous one is for output loss only finetune and the second one is for whole sequence loss calculation. - Logs during training process was in
. - The final evaluation results was in
. The final statistical tables and pictures was inassets
. - After you downloaded the model, you can put the model at the following structure:
Release soon.