APIs for Blackrock's crazy-cricket problem
- Windows (or Linux)
- JDK 1.8 or above
- Apache Kafka- Recommended Kafka Version
- Apache Maven- Recommended Maven Version
- Apache Tomcat 7 or above
- Redis (any version)
- Clone this repo - https://github.com/mukulbansal93/crazy-cricket.git
- Build using Maven.
> cd crazy-cricket
> mvn clean package
- Start the Apache Kafka Zookeeper and Server on localhost.
- Start the Redis Server on localhost.
- Deploy the build war formed in target folder on Apache Tomcat.
- Follow the steps at https://github.com/blackrock/crazy-cricket to push sample messages to Apache Kafka and test the APIs using browser(since all are GET requests) or use any REST client like POSTMAN
As of now shell script run.sh
does not do anything. I am planning on writing it in the future. Once done, it will initialize all facets of the project but I think that there are just too many configurables like Zookeeper IP & port, Tomcat directory, Redis IP & port etc which might pose a problem.