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Optional Features supported by RADIUSDesk Installer

Mfawa Alfred Onen edited this page Mar 6, 2018 · 1 revision

Installing CoovaChilli

RADIUSDesk Installer can setup CoovaChilli on your server if you have up to two (2) Network Interface Cards (NICs) and will want the server to act as a router. CoovaChilli can be installed in one of two ways using the Installer;

1. Enabling CoovaChilli Support using the RADIUSDesk Installer Menu (Easy)

Select option 2 from the Installer menu and enter the LAN, WAN and UAM Secret respectively to Install CoovaChilli together with RADIUSDesk.

2. Enabling CoovaChilli Support by customizing the Ansible Variables File (Hard)

Edit the Variables file (roles/radiusdesk/vars/{RedHat|Debian}.yml) corresponding to your Linux Distribution and enable CoovaChilli Support by editing the following:

  • Enable CoovaChilli Support (enable_coovachilli_support: true)
  • Edit CoovaChilli LAN (coovachilli_lan_if: "eth2")
  • Edit CoovaChilli WAN (coovachilli_wan_if: "eth1")
  • Edit UAM Secret (coovachilli_uam_secret: "greatsecret")

Note: More options can be customized from the Variables file.

Using Amazon Web Services RDS MySQL Database

RADIUSDesk Installer now allows for external database support via AWS RDS. This functionality can be enabled by making the following modifications to the Variables file of the corresponding Linux Distribution (roles/radiusdesk/vars/{RedHat|Debian}.yml).

  • Enable AWS RDS Support (enable_aws_rds_support: true)
  • Edit AWS RDS Master user (aws_rds_user: "root") # Obtained from AWS RDS dashboard
  • Edit AWS RDS Master password (aws_rds_password: "rdpassword") # Obtained from AWS RDS dashboard
  • Edit AWS RDS Host (aws_rds_host: "") # Obtained from AWS RDS dashboard as endpoint URL

Note: Before enabling AWS RDS Support, make sure you have already created an RDS instance and it is in the running state. Also, ensure you create a Parameter Group relaxing the use of Triggers by changing the value of log_bin_trust_function_creators to 1 (log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1) and attach the Parameter Group to the RDS instance. (TIP: Create the Parameter Group before creating an RDS instance)