himbeer-rails is a webapplication for controlling GPIO connected devices of a raspberry pi.
for controlling these devices it connects to a gpio-service which is provided by the following project: github.com/psunix/himbeer-gpio-service
bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
for development it’s recommended to use rvm. (rvm.io)
after you’ve installed rvm you are ready to checkout the project with the git clone command:
git clone https://....
now it’s time to install the the dependencies with bundler.
cd himbeer-rails bundle
when the needed gems are installed, the database is ready to be created.
rake db:migrate db:seed
now open the gpio service client configuration and change the given ip address and port to fit you RPi’s configuration
make sure the RPi is powered up and the gpio service is running
the rails webserver should now be ready to start
rails s
access the webapp by the following url: