- 46b72b8: feat: AM0005 enabled integration test (@Ankit152)
- 7a7cf46: feat: added integration test by disabling multiple validators (@Ankit152)
- 8147ce9: feat: Upated Addon metadata API (@Ankit152)
- a23572e: feat: changed subscriptionConfig to config (@Ankit152)
- 2a66709: fix: deprecating pullSecret from AMO API (@Ankit152)
- 6dc75ab: fix: remove display-name regex (@Ajpantuso)
- ff73c22: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.20.2 to 1.21.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 50a3903: fix(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 92b4a52: fix(deps): bump github.com/mt-sre/go-ci from 0.4.0 to 0.6.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 935b59a: fix: [mtsre-725] AMO imageset api not in compliance with imageset schema (@Ankit152)
- 33d10d5: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- c70dbe8: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.21.1 to 1.22.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 9209c01: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.2.0 to 2.3.1 in /tools (@dependabot[bot])
- 9e52a11: fix(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (@dependabot[bot])
- 8bf3f2a: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 33425f5: fix: [mtsre-729] validator ensuring additional catalog source are unique (@Ankit152)
- 2d4ddf9: fix(deps): bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.25.2 to 0.25.3 (@dependabot[bot])
- b3f3f6b: fix(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (@dependabot[bot])
- 7625d75: fix(deps): bump k8s.io/api from 0.25.2 to 0.25.3 (@dependabot[bot])
- 53ad40a: fix: [mtsre-731] secret names must be unique (@Ankit152)
- a9a0c0c: fix(deps): bump k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver from 0.25.2 to 0.25.3 (@dependabot[bot])
- a91c3e7: fix: [mtsre-741] AM0018 Addon pullSecretName should be a part of secrets (@Ankit152)
- dd4c738: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- e102006: fix(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 9b546ff: fix: deprecated and merged am0016 and am0017 (@Ankit152)
- 1c0d422: fix: moved am0018 to am0017 (@Ankit152)
- dcbb1fa: fix: added check for unique credential requests (@Ankit152)
- f09c361: fix(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (@dependabot[bot])
- 90b21d7: fix(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 38db8c6: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0 in /tools (@dependabot[bot])
- 13e875c: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.22.1 to 1.23.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 5cdbd20: fix(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (@dependabot[bot])
- bdb9121: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.23.0 to 1.24.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 2223964: fix(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.13.0 to 0.13.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 338ddb8: fix(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (@dependabot[bot])
- 44fb3ce: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 93c8154: fix(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (@dependabot[bot])
- 1ded80d: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 in /tools (@dependabot[bot])
- d62608e: fix(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.24.0 to 1.24.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- bc9c588: Added addon label test as an integration test (@Ankit152)
- e0c4052: ci: use go-ci git commands (@Ajpantuso)
- 6ffe052: ci: fix boilerplate generation to ensure updates are applied (@Ajpantuso)
- 2f89532: bump golangci-lint to v1.49.0 (@Ajpantuso)