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Repository for build tools of omSupply project, back end, front end

Docker Overview

Two images have been added to dockerhub msupplyfoundation

  • omsupply -> empty image with no data and initilised schema
  • omsupply_withdata -> image with data initilised, derived from omsupply image

Images include both postgres and sqlite binaries, export tool and auto data refresh (advance dates forward).

Docker for Consumers

See dockerhub for available tag/s or version, most of the time latest tag should be used. Once you've installed docker, and picked the tag you can run image locally. Images run inside containers, containers can be stopped and resumed with data persisting, you can also persist data between different images by mounting volumes (at the time of writting migrations are not implemented on back end so instructions for this is not provided)

Starting image is best done via command line, but can also be started with docker desktop (instructions are not included here, when starting image via docker desktop make sure to bind port 3000 to 3000).

Starting image with data

NOTE make sure docker daemon is running (start docker desktop)

These are the easies images to get going, find the version you want here and then type the following in terminal:

docker run -ti -p 3000:3000 msupplyfoundation/omsupply_withdata:{tagname}
# i.e. if you want to use latest tag then
docker run -ti -p 3000:3000 msupplyfoundation/omsupply_withdata:latest

If something is already running on that port (like another container), then you can change the first 3000 to another port or stop the other container via docker desktop.

docker will give this container a random name, you can specify a different name with --name

docker run -ti -p 3000:3000 --name my-contianer-name msupplyfoundation/omsupply_withdata:latest

When container starts running, you can press enter and run terminal commands inside the container, type exit to stop container and release from terminal. -ti mean interactive (can enter things in terminal) and tty (can see terminal output).

You can now go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access omSupply. -p 3000:3000 means bind host port 3000 (port on your computer, first 3000) to docker port 3000 (where app is running inside the container, second 3000).

Every image with data that's pushed to dockerhub should have associated description here, you can find original data find reference and usernames and passwords there

Restarting image with data

You can do this either with docker desktop app or:

# This will list all docker containers
docker container ls -a
# Restart either with container id or name (for example)
docker container start -ai 4b7a36ef4f36

Data should have persisted

Starting image without data

These are empty images that need to be initilised, they can be found here

You would need to pass through sync site credentials via env variables

docker run -ti -p 3000:3000 -e APP_SYNC__URL="http://host.docker.internal:2048" -e APP_SYNC__USERNAME="demo_site" -e  APP_SYNC__PASSWORD="pass" -e APP_SYNC__SITE_ID=2 msupplyfoundation/omsupply:latest

NOTE have to use host.docker.internal to access localhost from withing docker container, and if central server is not accessible (not running) on specified port, the operation may freeze (docker issue)

Exporting Env

When reporting bugs, you would need to provide devs with environment (information about build version, current container data etc..). This will require doing a couple of commands:

# This will list running container, can also find the name of container in docker desktop
docker container ps
# This will export env inside the container, if you already in container terminal just run ./ (4b7a36ef4f36 is container id or name)
docker exec 4b7a36ef4f36 ./
# This will copy exported data to the folder you are in
docker cp 4b7a36ef4f36:/home/ .
# Can run the following command if you not sure where the file is

Add issues to either back end or front end repositories with the bug, replication instructions and env export zip


Every time a container is started from image:

  • data is advanced forward (to current date), you can disable this by adding -e DONT_REFRESH_DATA=true when using docker run
  • by default postgres flavour of server is started, can override this by adding -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite when using docker run

Docker fo Devs

Two Dockerfiles are used to create base image and image with data, base image for publishing should be created by specifying git tags (for REMOTE_SERVER_BRANCH and OPENMSUPPLY_CLIENT_BRANCH) and temporary dev images can be created from any branch. provides an easy way to create both base and data images, just change env variables in that file. can be used to build just the data image from already created base image. With data images should be accompanied by a description.


Creates base image, using postgres image as base.

  • Builds both front end and back end based on docker args (REMOTE_SERVER_BRANCH and OPENMSUPPLY_CLIENT_BRANCH), git tags act kind of like branches, so tags can be specified instead of branch when publishing to dockerhub
  • For back end both postgres and sqlite flavours are built, remote_server_sqlite, remote_server_sqlite_cli, remote_server_postgres, remote_server_postgres_cli executable are placed in /home folder in container
  • Server configuration files are also copied to /home (every configuration can be overwritten by env variables passed through when running container, dot notations are specified by double underscore __ i.e. -e APP_SYNC__URL="..." will replace sync.url)
  • Openmsupply client is built and artifacts are placed in /home/openmsupply-clinet folder inside the container
  • config.js is replaced with /docker/build_empty/front_end/config.js (api accessible on the same domain with same port, see nginx below)
  • remote_server_cli is used to initilise schema for both pg and sqlite (openmsupply-databas.sqlite is placed inside /home dir)
  • nginx config is copied over, nginx serves static f/e files and proxies server to /api route
  • Build info is saved in /home/build-info.txt (branches and commits used in the build)
  • runs first on container startup (it's meant to be harder to override then, it start postgres and nginx
  • would run after and can be easily overwritten i.e. docker run -ti image_name /bin/bash to enter into container terminal without starting server, or docker run -ti image_name ./remote_server_postgres_cli refresh-data to run just the refresh data`, does the following:
    • Starts either sqlite or postgres server (postgres by default, but can be overwritten with -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite)
    • Server is started with logs going to remote_server_{flavour}.log in /home/ folder
    • Refreshes data if it's a fresh container (see for how to stop data refresh)
  • is copied to /home, this will create a zip with
    • env info
    • both database export (can see what db was running by looking at env info, if DATABASE_TYPE is missing or it' not sqlite it's running postgres)
    • build info
    • server logs
  • When building images docker caches lines that haven't changes thus some FORCE_... args are specified, they can be incremented for re-building image at that particular point (i.e. if is changed or branch was updated)


If you want to create a new data image from already built base image, can use this Dockerfile. This dockerfile is alsy used by It would run remote_server_cli initialise-from-central sub command, which requires -u option to sync users, see USERS args

A helper to dockerise both base and data image. Please see env varialbes that are available and changes as needed. It can auto push to dockerhub and set image as latest.

Also creates a new tag new (for base) and new_withdata (for base with data), so that after build can easily run it i.e. docker run -ti -p 3000:3000 new_withdata

For creating new data image from existing base image

Git Action

Ideally we would have git actions that do dockarisations and push to dockerhub, this is not done yet. To populate images with data remote_server_cli allows for exporting and importing central data to json initialise-from-export and `export-initilisation sub commands (this was removed in this pr , but can be reinstated).


mSupply dockerhub credentials are in bitwarden

Usefull docker commands

sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q) removes all containers

sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -a -q)removes all images

sudo docker volume prune prune everything


Build tools for remote-server and openmsupply-client =






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