Prometheus exporter for sudo events in journald.
The systemd-python module requires additional OS dependencies so it can be compiled.
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libsystemd-dev
For CentOS/RHEL:
sudo yum install systemd-devel gcc python3-devel
Setup python virtual environment and install python modules
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install prometheus-client
pip3 install systemd-python
The built-in web server is used. The script has variables set so the http server listens on localhost:9090.
. .venv/bin/activate
Test with curl:
$ curl http://localhost:9090
# HELP sudo_total sudo success
# TYPE sudo_total counter
sudo_total{event="command"} 2.0
sudo_total{event="session_opened"} 2.0
sudo_total{event="session_closed"} 2.0
# HELP sudo_created sudo success
# TYPE sudo_created gauge
sudo_created{event="command"} 1.634022922316308e+09
sudo_created{event="session_opened"} 1.6340229223165207e+09
sudo_created{event="session_closed"} 1.6340229268161275e+09
- Create a systemd service for start and stop