Export Prometheus metrics from journald events using Prometheus Go client library. For demonstration purposes, journald is filtered for the sudo
syslog identifier and a basic Prometheus counter metric is incremented.
go get github.com/msgarbossa/prom-journald-exporter
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/msgarbossa/prom-journald-exporter
go build
The Makefile has the following targets:
- clean
- build_amd64
- build_arm64
- build arm
- all
To build with a make target:
make <target>
To cross-compile ARM64 on AMD64, install the following Debian package (Ubuntu 20.04):
- gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
To cross-compile ARM on AMD64, install the following Debian package (Ubuntu 20.04):
- gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
The linux-amd64 build can be downloaded from releases
When started with the -debug option, matching journald entries are printed to stdout.
$ ./prom_journald_exporter -h
Usage of ./prom_journald_exporter:
Enable verbose output
-listenHTTP string
ip:port to listen for http requests (default ":9101")
$ ./prom_journald_exporter -debug
listening on :9101 /metrics
Run a sudo command from another session and verify metric counts.
$ curl -s http://localhost:9101/metrics | grep sudo
# HELP sudo_count_total The total number of sudo events
# TYPE sudo_count_total counter
sudo_count_total 0
$ sudo ls > /dev/null
$ curl -s http://localhost:9101/metrics | grep sudo
# HELP sudo_count_total The total number of sudo events
# TYPE sudo_count_total counter
sudo_count_total 2
The TestProm function in main_test.go uses the logger shell command to send a journald test message and then queries the listener for the Prometheus exporter to look for the incremented counter.
go test
Debug journal logs (print filtered messages)
go run main.go -verbose
Then generate journald messages, which will be printed to stdout as they are parsed for Prometheus metrics.