Forked from: but modernized and with updated dependencies.
This action will code sign files from the given folder, this can be done recursively if needed.
The action uses a base64 encoded PFX certificate to sign files by adding the certificate to the store and then use signtool.exe
to do the code signing.
All inputs regarding the Certificate except description
should be added via repository/organization secrets.
Thanks to Dirk Lemstra and Gabriel Acosta Engler for providing a base for this action.
Description - The base64 encoded certificate.
Description - Certificate Password. Used to add to the machine store.
Description - SHA1 hash for the certificate (Thumbprint of the certificate).
Description - Add a description to the files being signed.
Description - The folder that contains the libraries to sign.
Description - Recursively search for DLL files.
Default - 'false'
Description - Url of the timestamp server.
Default - ''
runs-on: windows-latest
uses: mscrivo/signtool-code-sign@v1
certificate: '${{ secrets.CERTIFICATE }}'
cert-password: '${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}'
cert-sha1: '${{ secrets.CERTHASH }}'
cert-description: 'foo'
folder: 'path/to/folder'
recursive: true
timestamp-server: ''
This project is released under the MIT License