Remove all gists from a GitHub account.
Caution! gist-nuke is a destructive tool. By default gist-nuke only lists gists. You need to add --no-dry-run
to actually remove gists.
List all gists and exit:
> gist-nuke --token <github-token>
Fancy Gist - '8e94bba2b9c6a4285e31438804c562d7' - would remove
Tries to delete all gists:
gist-nuke --token <github-token> --no-dry-run
Fancy Gist - '8e94bba2b9c6a4285e31438804c562d7' - finished
Removal: 1 removed, 0 failed
gist-nuke requires a GitHub Personal Access Token with delete_repo and gist scopes.