Week 01 - April 8 - April 10
- C# Basic
- SQL Basic
- Ado.Net Read
- Ado.Net CRUD
- VSCode
- Ado.Net Create
Week 02 - April 22 - April 24
- Dapper CRUD
- GitHub Public Setting
- Database Export as Script
- Console App Folder Structure
- ASP.NET Core Web API Blog CRUD
Week 03 - April 29 - May 1
- ASP.NET Core Web API Dapper CRUD
- Ado.Net CRUD
- Dapper Custom Service
- Ado.Net Custom Service
Week 04 - May 6 - May 8
- Layered (N-Layer) Architecture
- Burma Project Idea Discussion For API
- Burma Project Idea JSON data to API
- Console App CRUD with API using HttpClient
- Console App CRUD with API using RestClient
Week 05 - May 13 - May 15
- Myanmar Proverbs API
- Pizza API
- Pizza API using Query with Dapper Service
- Console App CRUD with API using Refit
- Windows Forms Intro
- .net framework vs .net core vs .net
- Windows Forms - Hello World
- Windows Forms Blog - Create
Week 06 - May 27 - May 29
- Windows Forms Blog - List
- Windows Forms Blog - Edit, Delete
- If Case, Switch Case
- Sql Injection
- NLayer Architecture
- JavaScript Blog CRUD
- Html + JavaScript Blog CRUD
Week 07 - June 03 - June 05
- jQuery Plugin (SweetAlert, Notiflix)
- jQuery_Plugins_DataTable,_Date_Picker,_Ladda_Button,_iCheckbox
Week 08 - June 10 - June 11
- Dependency Injection
- Dependency Injection - Code
- JetBrains Rider Installation
Week 09 - June 17 - June 19
- ASP.NET Core Minimal API CRUD
- ASP.NET Core Web MVC Blog List
- ASP.NET Core Web MVC Blog Create
- ASP.NET Core Web MVC Blog Edit Update Delete
- AsNoTracking
UI + Business Logic + Data Access + Db
Mobile, Web => API => Database
C# => Db
Code First
Database First <=
Scaffold-DbContext - to create a model based on the existing database.
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=MYOTHETPC\MSSQLSERVER2012;Database=DotNetTrainingBatch4;User ID=MYOTHETPC\Administrator;Password=admin123!;TrustServerCertificate=True;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Context ScaffoldDbContext
Scaffold-DbContext "Name=ConnectionStrings:DotNetTrainingBatch4" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Context AppDbContext -table Tbl_PieChart
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 7
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=.;Database=DbName;User Id=userId;Password=password;TrustServerCertificate=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models -c AppDbContext -t Tbl_Name -f
- get => read
- post => create
- put/patch => update
- delete => delete
- 100 - 199 => Information responses
- 200 - 299 => Successful responses
- 300 - 399 => Redirection messages
- 400 - 499 => Client error responses
- 500 - 599 => Server error responses
- DEV - Development - [ Software Developer ]
- SIT - System Integration Test - [ Software Developer & QA Engineer ]
- UAT - User Acceptance Test - [ Client ]
- PROD - Production - [ Public user ]
- Console App - Client (Frontend)
- ASP.NET Core Web API - Server (Backend)