Welcome to my site, stay a while and read.
This blog was migrated from Wordpress. While I owe a huge debt to this wonderful script - https://github.com/lonekorean/wordpress-export-to-markdown?tab=readme-ov-file - it still was a painful process full of manually modifying each post. Primarily to fix image links that were still hardcoded to the old wordpress site, but also a handful of YouTube embeds. I probably could have find/replaced them somewhat more efficiently than I did, though I opted to not I guess?
Ultimately I got most of the pages looking acceptable. A lot of images are weirdly sized because they were floated into the text in Wordpress. I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole for each post, so especially in very tall mobile game screenshots, some posts look janky. Didn't seem worth the time to resolve more, however.
Comments were lost from the old wordpress site. In the early days there were some insightful ones, which is unfortunate, but again that migration path (if is even feasible) doesn't seem worth the squeeze. Go donate to the Internet Archive I suppose is the moral here.
This site uses the GH Pages Minima theme, lightly tweaked for a few things like a default author, and custom text/image/styles in the header.
- Previous/next buttons between posts? That seems doable right?
- Make the top header bar bigger so the logo looks less dumb
- Nicer exerpts, or something on the home page that's not just a list of some posts