Generates/reads from file random tokens and saves them in database
- Program will generate 10 millions 7 character lower-case random tokens and will dump them in a file.
- Then read all the tokens and save them in database while checking for non-unique tokens.
- At the end program will print all the non-unique tokens and three most common tokens.
Database Schema is available in db_schema.sql
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
To run the entire program locally, cd into program directory and run command python
IMPORTANT: This program uses SQLite as database, and by default SQLite file will be generated and stored in the same directory. These settings can be updated in
To run the components separately, first python
needs to be executed, then python
which will setup the SQLite database and at last python
which will read tokens from the file and saves them in database.
- Kamran Ali - Developer - MSc Digital Health, Hasso Plattner Institute Potsdam, Germany
- No Copyright on code written by me in this project
- For Copyrights of libraries and tools used in the app please visit respective library documents, library list is included in requirements.txt