This repo contains code and data relating to the Bay Area bike share. As of now I have a KML and geojson data set of the proposed bike share stations for the launch of the program and some jam that was released to help people participate in a "Open Data Challenge". see and for the files that would fit on github see the babs-open-data directory. Also in ./babs-open-data are some scripts for dealing with the live stream of bike share data.
As usual I didn't finish anything super amazing by the due time but hopeufully won't stop me or you from making something cool from it soon.
So all I made was a little bar chart bl.ock: and some trying to set up a few avenues for investigating a using the data further.
See for a data feed.
I hope to provide this data in other formats as well as other datasets relating to the Bay Area Bike Share soon. I have made a request through Socrata that the MTA share some of their planning data.
See: for my nomination of bikeshare data.
So I imported a Bunch of the data into mongoDB because the files were a bit big to deal with in excel or similar jam. So I ran:
mongoimport --db bags --collection trips --type csv --headerline --file babs-open-data/201402_trip_data.csv
or the like to get it into a collection I could aggregate on. I accidently called the database bags when I meant to put babs.
For some aggregating to get the basic data for the Bar Chart and the babsTripStat.js file:
db.trips.aggregate( [{ $group:{_id:"$Start Station", numTrips:{$sum:1}} }, {$sort:{"numTrips":1}} ] )
Or if you want to just get it for a specific station ex:
db.trips.aggregate( [{$match:{"Start Station":"Evelyn Park and Ride"}}, { $group:{_id:"$Start Station", numTrips:{$sum:1}} }, {$sort:{"numTrips":1}} ] )
Then I did some other jam to get the dataset in the bl.ock.
A aggregation doo-dah I thought also looked interesting showed the most popular too from combos:
db.trips.aggregate( [{ $group:{_id:{fromStat:"$Start Station", toStat:"$End Station"}, numTrips:{$sum:1}} }, {$sort:{"numTrips":1}} ] )
I also made a brief start looking into the data feed but just got to putting it all in a nice array using the request node module. That script is BABSd.js but I hope to build more on that....
Run any of these using node [filename] at your bash or whatever shell.
Uses the node.js request module to simply print the result of a call to the bike share station json feed.
Takes the data from the loaded page and creates file titled babsD + w/ the objects representing the stations all up in a nice array.
This does the same as babs2file.js except only returns one name for the file.
Plus I made a BABS stations geojson dataset w/ the new .csv provided (pretty much by dragging it into Hopefully I can attach interesting data to those points if I ever get to the point I want to map anything. See:
Go ride a bike in SF or help me out with this stuff cause I don't much know what I'm doing.