A collection of commonly used data structures written in TypeScript.
To install, simply add as an npm dependency:
npm install @mpaauw/data-structures-typescript
This library offers a variety of data structures out-of-the-box. Currently supported structures include: Hash Table, Singly-Linked List, Queue, Stack, and Binary Search Tree. See the sections below for usage instructions.
import { HashTable } from '@mpaauw/data-structures-typescript';
// instantiate a new Hash Table, choosing a default of 100 buckets
const hashTable = new HashTable<string, object>(100);
// insert a new key-value pair into the Hash Table:
hashTable.put('cat', {
name: 'Ms. Kitty',
type: Animal.Cat,
weightInLbs: 4.20
// retrieve an entry from the Hash Table, given a key:
const cat = hashTable.get('cat');
// determine whether or not the Hash Table is empty:
const isEmpty = hashTable.isEmpty();
// determine whether or not the Hash Table contains a given key:
const containsCat = hashTable.contains('cat');
// remove an entry from the Hash Table, given a key:
import { SinglyLinkedList } from '@mpaauw/data-structures-typescript';
// instantiate a new Singly-Linked List:
const singlyLinkedList = new SinglyLinkedList<string>();
// insert a value into the head of the list:
// insert a value into the tail of the list:
// insert a value into a specific index of the list:
singlyLinkedList.insertAt(1, 'yellow');
// attempt to find a value within the linked list:
const valueFound = singlyLinkedList.find('green');
// attempt to find the value at a specific index within the list:
const valueFoundAt = singlyLinkedList.findAt(2);
// retrieve the head of the list:
const head = singlyLinkedList.getHead();
// retrieve the tail of the list:
const tail = singlyLinkedList.getTail();
// determines if the list is empty or not:
const isEmpty = singlyLinkedList.isEmpty();
// removes value from the head of the list:
// removes value from the tail of the list:
// removes value from a specified index within the list:
import { Queue } from '@mpaauw/data-structures-typescript';
// instantiate a new Queue:
const queue = new Queue<string>();
// insert a value into the tail of the Queue:
// return the value from the head of the Queue:
const peekedValue = queue.peek();
// remove and return the value from the head of the Queue:
const dequeuedValue = queue.dequeue();
// determine if the Queue is empty or not:
const isEmpty = queue.isEmpty();
import { Stack } from '@mpaauw/data-structures-typescript';
// instantiate a new Stack:
const stack = new Stack<string>();
// insert a value onto the top of the Stack:
// return the value from the top of the Stack:
const peekedValue = stack.peek();
// remove and return the value from the top of the Stack:
const poppedValue = stack.pop();
// determine if the Stack is empty or not:
const isEmpty = stack.isEmpty();
import { BinarySearchTree } from '@mpaauw/data-structures-typescript';
// instantiate a new Binary Search Tree:
const binarySearchTree = new BinarySearchTree<number>();
// insert a value into the Tree, either iteratively or recursively:
// determine whether or not a value exists within the Tree:
const foundNode = binarySearchTree.find(9001);
// find the minimum value in the Tree, passing an optional node to be used as the subtree within the search:
const minNode = binarySearchTree.findMinimumNode(foundNode);
// find the maximum value within the Tree, passing an optional node to be used as the subtree within the search:
const maxNode = binarySearchTree.findMaximumNode(minNode);
// remove a value from the Tree, either iteratively or recursively:
// determine whether or not the Tree is empty:
const isEmpty = binarySearchTree.isEmpty();
// validate whether or not the Tree maintains BST rules:
const isBST = binarySearchTree.validateRecursively();