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EPICS Asyn Galil 4-0-02

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@motorapp motorapp released this 17 Oct 07:30

Has the following attributes:

  1. Updated start scripts to aid instantiating many controllers
  2. Updated substitution files to aid instantiating many controllers
  3. Updated autosave arrangement to aid instantiating many controllers
  4. GalilCreateAxis has reduced 4 parameters as described below:

GalilCreateAxis command parameters are:

  1. char *portName Asyn port for controller
  2. char axis A-H,
  3. char *Motor interlock digital port number 1 to 8 eg. "1,2,4". 1st 8 bits are supported
  4. int Interlock switch type 0 active when opto active, all other values switch type active when opto inactive

The limits as home option has been moved to the database galil_motor_extras.template
