A clipboard monitor for http/https video file links that will launch MPC-HC if a link to a video file or a list of video file URLs (one URL per line, only line breaks - no spaces accepted) gets copied to the clipboard. This is entirely written and compiled into a binary using AutoHotKey.
Download: Go to Releases section, download URL2MPC-HC.zip from assets. Source-code included.
Prerequisites: MPC-HC (non-portable version). Download from official Github repository (click on Assets).
- Unzip
- Run URL2MPC-HC.exe
- Copy any link to video files.
Supported file types: mp4, mkv, avi, mpg, mpeg, m3u8, ogg, wmv, m2ts, mts, ts, mov, rm, rmvb, m4v, vob, webm, flv, 3gp
Only HTTP/HTTPS links to actual files are supported (actually links containing a file name with a video file extension, but not necessarily ending with the file name). Created with debrid services such as Real-Debrid or Premiumize in mind, but should work on any hosts providing direct links to video files.