Setup Instructions
- Install postgresql 11
- Install node.js
- Create user (name: fantasytrading) in postgresql with permissions "can login"
- Set password for this user
- Create database (name: fantasytrading) owned by user fantasytrading
- Create file called config.json in config/ and copy and paste the contents from config_template.json into this file --> fill in password field
- cd server --> npm install
- cd ..
- cd client --> npm install
- cd ..
- npm install
- cd server
- npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
- npm run dev
- server on localhost:5000/api
ERROR: Cannot find "/Users/jisook.moon/Desktop/Fantasy-Trading/config/config/config.json". Have you run "sequelize init"?
- Reclone repo
- Run npm install
- Cry
- Redo steps 6-11
ERROR: role "fantasytrading" does not exist
- This means that your database connection configuration is incorrect. Please check that your your config/config.json matches the information in pgAdmin under PostgreSQL ##'s Properties.