0.5.1 -- PHPLIB Coming together
Pre-releaseThings are taking great shape - with the power of the ODS demonstrated in MongoDB Transistor, we are now preparing to release the accompanying fully featured user-land library in the next few days -- which requires a couple of bug fixes 💃
Release Highlights
New features and changes:
- PHPC-241: mongodb.debug_log php.ini renamed to mongodb.debug
- PHPC-259: add --with-libbson option
- PHPC-260: Allow/use "object" in setTypeMap() as alias/preferred for "stdclass"
- PHPC-266: Add MongoDB\Driver\UnexpectedValueException
- PHPC-247: Use the bundled pregenerated fixtures, rather then run-time dependency on composer
- PHPC-258: make all files needed for tests as role="test"
- PHPC-265: BSON encoding unsupoprted types (Resource) should fail
- PHPC-267; _id generated on embedded document
- PHPC-269: Fix travis setup
Documentation is available on PHP.net:
Additional documentation may be found on GitHub:
As the "mongodb" extension is under heavy development, we would appreciate any feedback you might have on the project:
Full Release Notes
Installing on *nix
$ pecl install mongodb-alpha
$ echo "extension=mongodb.so" >> `php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration" | sed -e "s|.*:\s*||"`
Installing on Windows
Windows binaries are available on PECL:
Community Contributors
Thanks to:
- Remi Collet