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The Concept

"migrations should happen naturally"

monarch is a mongo utility belt that helps developers and admins deal with common admin use-cases. The main use-case that this library was built for was _migrations_ but it does a bunch or other useful things like makes it easy to backup, restore, and copy environments between one another.

It has been very helpful for our teams -- and hopefully you guys can find it useful as well.

The Interface


Simple Migration Framework

generate <migration_name>
Generates a new migration template. In this template you write the necessary code to perform your migration
list_migrations <env_name>
Lists all of the migrations and there current status
migrate <env_name>
Runs all pending migration on the given environment. Normally you will use copy_db to move the production environment locally and test the migrations locally first before doing on production
migrate_one <migration_name> <env_name>
Run a specific migration -- no matter its status. Helpful for rapid test iteration

Environment Management

Utilities for moving databases between environments. With support for backup/restore locally and to s3

Initializes monarch for your project
Lists the environments under management
backup <env name>
Backs ups a given database. You can backup to your local file system or to a Amazon S3 bucket Make sure you have BACKUPS configured in your migrations/ file It will dump your database and compress it and give it a unique name
restore <backup_name>:<env_name>
Restore a backup into the provided environment. It will truncate the database before the import
Lists the available backups
copy_db <from_env>:<to_env>

Copies one database into another database

It will make an archive of the "From" database and then truncate the "To" database and restore that archive into the "To" database

This is most useful for copying the production database locally to test migrations before doing it for reals

Partial Copies and Backups

As your database grows, it is often useful to copy only a subset of your data. For this we introduce the concept of a QuerySet. You can use these to define the subset of data you would like to bring over.

Generates a new query_set template. In this template you write the necessary code to perform your query_set
Lists the available QuerySets

A queryset can look like:

from monarch import QuerySet
from click import echo

class AwesomeDogsQuerySet(QuerySet):

    def run(self):

        awesome_dogs = self.database.dogs.find({"type": "Awesome"})
        awesome_dog_ids = [dog['_id'] for dog in awesome_dogs]
        echo("awesome dog ids: {}".format(awesome_dog_ids))

        self.dump_collection('dogs', {"_id": {"$in": awesome_dog_ids}})
        self.dump_collection('dog_houses', {"dog_id": {"$in": awesome_dog_ids}})

You can also use click's prompt function to make it dynamic, and prompt the use for input. Like so

from monarch import QuerySet
from click import echo, prompt

class AccountQuerySet(QuerySet):

    def run(self):

        account_id = prompt('Please enter a account id', type=int)

        account_i_care_about = self.database.accounts.find({"_id": account_id})

        self.dump_collection('account', {"_id": account_id})
        self.dump_collection('campaigns', {"account_id": account_i_care_about})

Then to use them you can pass them into copy_db and backup with the --query-set options like so:

copy_db production:development -q AccountQuerySet

The Installation

pip install monarch

You need to configure monarch for each project. Simply run monarch init in the root of your project. Then go into to configure your environments and backups


One of the core design principals behind monarch is that it does not provide a DSL or DDL for database specific migrations (like South and alembic)

You write your migrations in pure python using whatever libraries you like.

When we develop a feature we implement the following:

  • the feature
  • the tests
  • and the necessary migrations that move the production data to where it needs to be to rock the new feature

So now with monarch we can implement a Pull Request(PR) with the feature, test and migration. And once your Continuous Integration says that your tests are cool then you can deploy and run the pending migrations needed for your feature.

Example Use Case

  1. Generate a Migration
monarch create add_indexes_to_user_table

That will create a template migration that looks something like this

# in ./migrations/

from monarch import MongoBackedMigration

class AddIndexesToUserTableMigration(MongoBackedMigration):

    def run(self):
        """Write the code here that will migrate the database from one state to the next
        No Need to handle exceptions -- we will take care of that for you
        raise NotImplementedError
  1. Implement the Migration

Do whatever you want in that run method. I mean anything! Go crazy wild man.

  1. Test the Migration
# copy the production db locally
monarch copy_db production:development

# check the status of the pending migrations
monarch list_migrations development

# try running the migrations
monarch migrate development

# everything cool?

# just to be sure -- lets make a backup
monarch backup production

# time to rock
monarch migrate production

# not cool?
# fix your migration and try again
monarch copy_db production:development

# and so on ....


  • Support for PostgreSQL and the like
  • Use only pymongo (not mongoengine)


mulit-environment mongodb toolbelt with migration framework







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