emojify <url> as <name>
aliasify <existing-emoji> as <name>
Suggested improvements:
- Allow for gif emojis
- Support emojifying attachments
- Create a heroku app at https://dashboard.heroku.com
- Clone this repo
- Push the repo up to the heroku app:
$ heroku git:remote -a <your-heroku-url>
Git remote heroku added.
$ git push heroku master
- Sign up as a new Slack user
- Set up an outgoing webhook for your Slack team (found at
) - Optionally choose a channel for Emojifier to listen on
- If you will be using trigger words, add them in the
Trigger Words
field separated by a comma - Set the URL to
- Take note of the generated token
- Update the environment variables in heroku
$ heroku config:set SLACK_TOKEN=<token-from-above>
$ heroku config:set SLACK_URL=<slack-team-name>
$ heroku config:set SLACK_EMAIL=<email>
$ heroku config:set SLACK_PW=<password>
$ heroku config:set EMOJI_TRIGGER=<emoji-trigger>
$ heroku config:set ALIAS_TRIGGER=<alias-trigger>