Tag Manager Laravel is an app that allows you to manage tags. Ideal for all those who need to implement a labeling system within their organization.
Final Project of the Basic Testing Course (PHP + Laravel) in Platzi.
- Laravel >= 8.
- MySQL >= 5.6.
- PHPUnit >= 9.5.10.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/modavidc/tag-manager-laravel.git
- Switch to the repo folder
cd tag-manager-laravel
- Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file
cp .env.example .env
- Run install.sh script
sh install.sh
php artisan serve
php artisan test
Moisés Cedeño
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: @modavidc
- Twitter: @modavidc
Copyright © 2022 modavidc.
This project is MIT licensed.
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