Map-based demo application which shows current positions of friends on a map with the ability to chat.
- Install the Service on your mobilis-server (FriendFinder_Service/dist/FriendFinder_Service_v1.jar)
- Open the Android-project FriendFinder_Android
- Enter your coordinator-JID in the class
- Run the Android-App
- At the first start, you will be asked for your XMPP-login. Go to the settings and enter username and password.
- Create a service-instance, join them and have fun!
Every time a service-instance is created there was created a copy of the sqlite-database in the folder friendfinder_db in the maindirectory of the mobilis-server. If there is a file called eet.db the service create a copy of this, which is used by the service-instance. Otherwise an empty database will be created.
If you wish to disable the hole energy-efficient-stuff and use normal tracking, change the constructor of EET in the BackgroundService-Method onCreate to EET_simple with the same arguments.