User friendly HTTP client on top of AFNetworking
The easiest to import Hermod to your project is by using Cocoa Pods:
pod 'Hermod', '~> 1.0.0'
To create a new API client you must specify the host domain as well as the API path where all requests will be directed to.
HMClient *client = [[HMClient alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMClientConfigurator *configurator) {
configurator.serverPath = @"";
configurator.apiPath = @"/api/v1";
Creating requests with HMClient
is very easy. Just create an instnace of HMRequest
and configure it.
HMRequest *request = [HMRequest requestWithPath:@"users/hobbies"];
request.HTTPMethod = HMHTTPMethodPUT;
request.parameters = @{"name": "kitesurfing",
"rating": 8,
Requests by default use the HMHTTPMethodGET
To create an upload request, instantiate the HMUploadRequest
and add an array of HMUploadTask
objects, one per each upload task. Upload requests by default are HMHTTPMethodPOST
In order to perform requests, HMClient
provides a protocol called HMRequestExecutor
that defines the following two methods:
- (void)performRequest:(HMRequest*)request completionBlock:(HMResponseBlock)completionBlock;
- (void)performRequest:(HMRequest*)request apiPath:(NSString*)apiPath completionBlock:(HMResponseBlock)completionBlock;
The first method uses the default apiClient's apiPath
, the second method uses a custom apiPath
. The response block contains a HMResponse
. If error, it is going to be encapsulated inside the HMResponse
implements this protocol. Therefore, you can use it directly to perform a request. However, you can build your own request executors and do validation checks and other custom actions in the middle. As a good example of it, HMClient
provides an OAuth session handler called HMOAuthSession
. This object, which implements the HMRequestExecutor
protocol, validates the OAuth state and configures an HMClient
instance with the good HTTP authentication headers. To know more about this object, see documentation below.
id <HMRequestExecutor> requestExecutor = _myApiClient;
HMRequest *request = [HMRequest requestWithPath:@"users/reset-password"];
request.httpMethod = HTTPMethodPOST;
request.parameters = @{@"email": email};
[requestExecutor performRequest:request completionBlock:^(HMResponse *response, NSInteger key) {
if (response.error == nil)
NSLog(@"Response object: %@", [response.responseObject description]);
NSLog(@"Response error: %@", [response.error description]);
HMClient implements a basic offline simulation via the URL cache. To configure it, use the default init method of HMClient
and set the cacheManagement
of the HMClientConfigurator
to HMClientCacheManagementOffline
. When configured, the app will use the URL Cache to return already cached respones when being offline. By default the cacheManagement
is set to HMClientCacheManagementDefault
(which ignores the URL cache when being offline).
HMClient *apiClient = [[HMClient alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMClientConfigurator *configurator) { = @"";
configurator.apiPath = @"/api/v1";
// Use the URLCache to return already cached responses when being offline.
configurator.cacheManagement = HMClientCacheManagementOffline;
While configuring a HMClient
instance, it is possible to customize the request and response serializers.
HMClient *apiClient = [[HMClient alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMClientConfigurator * _Nonnull configurator) {
// Here goes the overall configuration
// Configuration of request and response serializers
configurator.requestSerializerType = HMClientRequestSerializerTypeJSON;
configurator.responseSerializerType = HMClientResponseSerializerTypeJSON;
The supported serializers are:
Request Serializers
: JSON format request (mimetype applicaiton/JSON)HMClientRequestSerializerTypeFormUrlencoded
: URL Encoded request (mimetype applicaiton/x-www-form-urlencoded with utf8 charset)
Response Serializers
: JSON format response (response object will beNSDictionary
: RAW response (response object will beNSData
By default, request and response serializers are set to JSON format. However, it is possible to change them to the other types.
HMClient only support the listed types above. If there is a need for different type, the library will have to be extended and implemented.
This library is built on top of AFNetworking. Therefore, when performing a request, the response is returned asyncronously in the default dispatch_queue_t
selected by AFNetworking, which usually is in the main queue.
offers the option to set a custom dispatch_queue_t to return its request's responses in. This can be set globaly o per request.
To set it per request, set a dispatch_queue_t
inside the HMRequest
's completionBlockQueue
parameter. If not set (nil), then the response block will be execute on the HMClient's global queue.
HMRequest *request = [HMRequest requestWithPath:@"user/12345"];
request.completionBlockQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
To set the global queue use the HMClientConfigurator
object inside the init method. If not set, then the response block will be executed in the default AFNetworking reponse block queue.
HMClient *apiClient = [[HMClient alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMClientConfigurator *configurator) { = @"";
configurator.apiPath = @"/api/v1";
// Set a custom queue for all response blocks
configurator.completionBlockQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.myapp.api.completion-queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
Use the HMClientDelegate
object to create server-specific errors and manage them.
In the following method, it is possible to specify custom errors depending of the content of the HTTP response. If an error is returned, then HMClient
will assume the request failed and will include the error in its HMResponse
- (NSError*)apiClient:(HMClient*)apiClient errorForResponseBody:(id)responseBody httpResponse:(NSHTTPURLResponse*)httpResponse incomingError:(NSError*)error
if ([responseBody isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class])
if (responseBody[@"error_code"])
NSInteger errorCode = [responseBody[@"error_code"] integerValue];
NSString *message = responseBody[@"error_message"];
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{CustomApiErrorDomainNameKey: @(errorCode),
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: message,
error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"CustomApiErrorDomain" code:errorCode userInfo:userInfo];
return error;
Finally, use the method -apiClient:didReceiveErrorInResponse:
of HMClientDelegate
to globaly manage errors. Typically, you can use it to log errors, show alerts, and even logout the logged-in user if an unauthorized error.
- (void)apiClient:(HMClient*)apiClient didReceiveErrorInResponse:(HMResponse*)response
// Manage the error of the response.
In order to support OAuth, Hermod has the class HMOAuthSession
. This class will keep the OAuth session alive and perform the fetch and refresh of tokens. Furthermore, it implements the HMRequestExecutor
protocol in order to perform requests with OAuth support.
To configure an HMOAuthSession
just create a new instnace and use the initWithConfigurator:
method as follows:
HMOAuthSession *oauthSession = [[HMOAuthSession alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMOAuthSesionConfigurator *configurator) {
configurator.apiClient = apiClient; // <-- configured `HMClient` instance
configurator.apiOAuthPath = @"/api/oauth2/token";
configurator.clientId = @"client_id";
configurator.clientSecret = @"client_secret";
It is required to provide configured HMClient
instance, the api path of the OAuth methods, the client ID and client secret.
And that's all. Now the instance is ready to be used:
id <HMRequestExecutor> requestExecutor = _myOauthApiSession;
HMRequest *request = [HMRequest requestWithPath:@"users/reset-password"];
request.httpMethod = HMHTTPMethodPOST;
request.parameters = @{@"email": email};
[requestExecutor performRequest:request completionBlock:^(HMResponse *response, NSInteger key) {
if (response.error == nil)
NSLog(@"Response object: %@", [response.responseObject description]);
NSLog(@"Response error: %@", [response.error description]);
The oauth session will take care of getting tokens, configure them into the HTTP headers and renew them if expired.
All tokens received from the server are stored securely automatically inside the Keychain. Consecutive app executions will reuse tokens previously received.
Otherwise, use the method -configureWithOAuth:forSessionAccess:
to manually set an OAuth token (will be stored inside the Keychain as well).
Use the method -validateOAuth:
to force a OAuth token validation.
Use the method loginWithUsername:password:completionBlock:
to perform an OAuth user login. Use the method -logout
to perform an OAuth user logout.
[_oauthSession loginWithUsername:@"username" password:@"password" completionBlock:^(NSError *error) {
if (!error)
NSLog(@"OAuth login successful");
NSLog(@"OAuth login failed with error: %@", error.localizedDescription);
By default HMOAuthSession
uses tokens in two levels: app and user. This means that whenever a user is not logged in, the session will fetch an app-level token. If the user is logged in, the session will fetch user-level tokens.
The default configuration is set to use app tokens. However, it can be disabled:
HMOAuthSession *oauthSession = [[HMOAuthSession alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMOAuthSesionConfigurator *configurator) {
// Configuration of the oauth session here
// Disable app token
configurator.useAppToken = NO;
If the OAuth server uses a specific namespace configuration for the resposnes including the OAuth tokens, it is possible to configure it accordingly using the HMOAuthConfiguration
HMOAuthConfiguration *oauthConfiguration = [[HMOAuthConfiguration alloc] init];
oauthConfiguration.expiresInKey = @"expires_in";
oauthConfiguration.refreshTokenKey = @"refresh_token";
oauthConfiguration.accessTokenKey = @"token";
oauthConfiguration.scopeKey = @"scope";
oauthConfiguration.expiryDateBlock = ^NSDate*(id value) {
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [value integerValue];
return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:timeInterval];
HMOAuthSession *oauthSession = [[HMOAuthSession alloc] initWithConfigurator:^(HMOAuthSesionConfigurator *configurator) {
// Configuration of the oauth session here
// Custom oauth namespace configuration
configurator.oauthConfiguration = oauthConfiguration;
The oauth session class HMOAuthSession
has a delegate object which must implement the HMOAuthSessionDelegate
- (void)session:(HMOAuthSession*)session didConfigureOAuth:(HMOAuth*)oauth forSessionAccess:(HMOAuthSesionAccess)sessionAccess
// OAuth session access did change
This open source project is maintained by Joan Martin.
Copyright 2016 Mobile Jazz
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.