Auto-generate a sheriff emoji given a list of keywords. You can either provide a list of emoji aliases from the list here, or provide a word like `cat' which will return all emojis with an alias including that word.
Sadly, there is not yet support for the sheriff emoji, so I'm using a policeman instead.
Also, a joke will be provided by searching for a definition on Urban Dictionary. (Warning: may be explicit and/or not funny.)
$ python dog
🐕 🐶 🐕
👇 🌭🌭 👇
🌭 🌭
🌭 🌭
👢 👢
Howdy, I'm the sheriff of dog. Not a [cat].
$ python :cactus: :heart:
🌵 🌵 🌵
👇 ❤❤ 👇
❤ ❤
❤ ❤
👢 👢
Howdy, I'm the sheriff of cactus. Dead, not functioning.
Install requirements:
pip install emoji
pip install urbandictionary