Our super drop-in and forget kind-of IIIF Image server URL proxying and IIIF Presentation API 2.1.x types generator for Islandora. This is still experimental and I (Diego Pino) don't recommend running it in production. Still, it is very cool =)
This module requires the following modules/libraries:
This module also requires a working Adore-Djatoka installation, which is the default if you have a sane running and Extremely normal version of the Islandora stack and you are already running OpenSeadragon as viewer
This module does not require (kind-of really) but recommends having also installed
Install as usual, see this for further information.
This module wraps around adore-djatoka image server and Islandora Datastream authentication/authorization translating well formed IIIF Image API calls internally to something that Adore understands, returning the transformed image. This allows any generic Islandora Installation run and serve IIIF compliant image responses without any extra backend deployment with the added benefit of Drupal (and varnish if you have that!) Caching, datastream access secured via Islandora and even extra capabilities provided by image magick
@see http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2.1/
Also, but not lastly, it provides responses for all IIIF Presentation API 2.1 types
In the form of: