some templates for MVC mean
#install dependencies (in command line) npm install bower install
#install snippets download snippets ( or sublime snippets folder) put files in your User package
#for mac: user_profile-->library-->application support-->sublime text 2-->Packages-->User
- snippets.js and snippets.html are not sublime snippets. They just contain the content on what's in the snippets
- Certain spaces and comments were deleted in snippets.js for readability purposes. The code in snippets.js doesn't completely match the code in the actual snippet
- While sublime will auto-suggest snippets to you while you type out the keyword (tabTrigger), it wont do this for html snippets. You must type out the full keyword and press tab in order for it to work
- to see which file a snippet belong to, simply start typing out the keyword (tabTrigger) of the snippet and it will start to suggest you snippets on the right side of the snippet suggestion bar that show up, the filename of where the snippet is stored will appear
- to run your MEAN stack project simply run node server.js or nodemon server.js in your terminal while in the project folder. Using nodemon option is easier because it restarts every time you change a file and save.
- type out the keyword (tabTrigger) and press tab
- some snippets come with fill-in assist. Press tab multiple times once the snippet appears to navigate different parts of the snippets you want to fill in. DO NOT move your cursor away from the snippet once it appears or fill-in assist won't work
#Snippet library (typing these in sublime will do the following):
#angular controller
app.controller('ControllerNames(plural-capital naming convention)', ['$scope', 'someFactory', '$routeParams', '$localStorage', '$location', function($scope, someFactory, $routeParams, $localStorage, $location){
description: creates a new angular controller witb auto fill ins
supported file types: .js
where to find: Angular_controller.sublime-snippet
#angular controller function code: $scope.variable = function(){ console.log(' controller function fired') }
description: creates a new angular controller function to be put in an angular controller
supported filetype: .js
where to find: Angular_controller_function.sublime-snippet
#angular factory code: app.factory('defaultFactory (camel case singular)', ['$http', function($http){ console.log(" factory loaded!"); var factory={};
return factory }])
description: creates a new factory for angular
supported filetype: .js
where to find: Angular_factory.sublime-snippet
#angular factory function code: factory.function = function(passin, callback){ console.log(' factory function fired')
description:creates a new angular factory function
supported filetype: .js
where to find: Angular_factory_function.sublime-snippet
code: $http.get('/route').then(callback)
description: creates a new angular factory get handler
supported filetype: .js
where to find: Angular_factory_http_get.sublime-snippet
code: $'/route', passin).then(callback)
description: creates a new angular controller post handler
supported fuletype: .js
where to find: Angular_factory_http_post.sublime-snippet
code: console.log()
description: creates a console.log statement to be filled in
where to find: console_log.sublime-snippet
#getTime code: var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); var hour = today.getHours()+1;//Hours are from 0 to 23! var minutes = today.getMinutes(); var ampm;
function getTime(){
var date;
if(mm<10) { mm='0'+mm }
if(hour>12){ hour=2%hour ampm='pm' } else{ ampm ='am' }
date = mm+'/'+dd+'/'+yyyy+' '+hour+' :'+minutes+' '+ampm;
return date;
description: creates a function to formate time and date
supported filetypes: .js, .html
where to find: getTime.sublime-snippet
#mean model code: console.log(' server model'); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; // build your friend schema and add it to the mongoose.models var GenericSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
}, {timestamps: true }); // register the schema as a model var name_of_model = mongoose.model('name_of_model', GenericSchema);
description: creates a new MEAN generic schema to be filled in and added to mongoose models
supported filetype: .js
where to find: MEAN_mongoose_model.sublime-snippet
#mean controller code: console.log(' server controller'); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var name_of_model = mongoose.model('name_of_model');
function PluralNamingConventionPascalCase(){
} module.exports = new PluralNamingConventionPascalCase();
description: creates a new server side controller to be filled in
supported filetype: .js
where to find: MEAN_server_controller.sublime-snippet
#mean function code: this.function = function(req,res){ console.log(' server controller function fired') }
description: creates a new function to be added to a server side controller
supported filetype: .js
where to find: MEAN_function_server_controller.sublime-snippet
#mean parent
_association_parent: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'name_of_foreighn_model'}
description: creates a new parent association to be added to a mongoose model
supported filetype: .js
where to find: MEAN_mongoose_association_parent.sublime-snippet
#mean child code: _association_children:[{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'name_of_foreighn_model'}] description: creates a new mean child association to be added to a mongoose model spported filetype: .js where to find: MEAN_mongoose_association_child.sublime-snippet #mean validate code: { validate:{ validator: function( value ){
message:'failure message goes here'
description: creates a validation object to be added to a mongoose schema
supported filetype: .js
where to find: MEAN_mongoose_validation.sublime-snippet
#mean search
code: = function(req,res){
Model.find({text:{$regex:req.body.text /* (returns results containing the entered string) */, : 'i'}}).exec(function (err, results){
console.log('no matches')
} description: creates a search function to be added to a server side controller supported filetype: .js where to find: MEAN_search_server_controller.sublime-snippet
#mean populate code: his.populate = function(req,res){ Model.find({_id: }).populate('name of field you want to populate').exec(function(err, results){ if(err){ console.log(err) return
description: creates a function that returns a query particular record and its associated records from another instance of a model supported filetype: .js where to find: MEAN_populate_server_controller.sublime-snippet
#myform code:
input 1 input 2description: creates a form with two inputs and a button of type submit supported filetype: .html where to find: form_html.sublime-snippet
#mybutton code: submit
description: create a button of type submit supported filetype: .html where to find: button_html.sublime-snippet
#mytable code:
description: creates a table with a table head and one two-column row supported filetype: .html where to find: html_table.sublime-snippet
#mytextarea code:
<textarea rows='4' cols='50'></textarea>description: creates a text area four rows long and fifty columns wide supported filetype: .html where to find: textarea_html.sublime-snippet