A small sip cli app based on simpleua and clidemo example. So there's 70% identical with the source provided by pjsip.
Download latest pjsua (2.4 for latest test) and compile
Install qmake (qt4-qmake or qt5-qmake is just fine, since we'll use it along with Qt Creator), and Qt Creator IDE.
Assume you're on Ubuntu/Debian-based:
sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake qtcreator
Open Qt Creator and open project file: tinysip.pro
Edit the project file to point to where the pjproject-x.x is located at. [PJSIP_DIR]
Edit the target build name, find it under your pjproject build. [PJSIP_TARGET]
If there's ssl error:
Configure the pjproject with --disable-ssl option
cd pjproject-x.x/
chmod +x aconfigure configure
./configure --disable-ssl
Compile pjsip again
make dep && make
If there's uuid error:
Install uuid package
sudo apt-get install uuid uuid-dev