This python module provides easy access to Lofar cross correlated station data (XST & ACC). UVWs and data corrected for geometric delay are automatically calculated. It can also write the data out as a Measurement Set. A command line utility is included for converting to Measurement Set.
This was written for international stations but might also work for Dutch HBA stations. It would need modification to work with Dutch LBA - it doesn't know about the configurations (inner, outer, sparse, etc) for the Dutch LBA fields.
Antenna positions are obtained from Lofar's AntennaField.conf files (link). A set is included with this package which will be used by default as long as you specify the station name.
- Python 2.7 or higher
- python-casacore (which in turn depends on casacore)
- casacore-data (see below)
- NumPy
Casacore data:
If you want to maintain your own casacore data directory or use the one
from NRAO's Casa package you can specify its location in ~/.casarc
Eg: /opt/casa-release-4.7.0-el7/data
If you're not doing a system wide install the easiest way to install is with pip:
pip install --user git+
if you don't have pip:
python --user
You might need to add ~/.local/bin
to your PATH
to use the lofar-station-ms
converter utility.
Alternatively, for a system wide install (requires write access to Python's module directory):
pip install git+
The Measurement Set conversion tool is called lofar-station-ms:
$ lofar-station-ms --help
usage: lofar-station-ms [-h] [-c ANTFIELD] [-n STATIONNAME] [-t STARTTIME] -r
{3,5,6,7} [-s 0..511] [-i INTEGRATION] [-d DIRECTION]
[-x | -a] [-q]
indata [msname]
positional arguments:
indata Input data file name
msname Output Measurement Set name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c ANTFIELD, --antfield ANTFIELD
Lofar station AntennaField.conf file
Station name for MS antenna and observation tables
Start time (centre point of first integration),
-s 0..511, --subband 0..511
-x, --xst File is an XST capture (default, unless filename is
standard ACC format)
-a, --acc File is an ACC capture
-q, --quiet Only display warnings and errors
required arguments:
-r {3,5,6,7}, --rcumode {3,5,6,7}
lofar-station-ms -r 3 -s 307 -n SE607 20170121_085835_xst.dat
There is a directory example code and a XST sample in the examples
subdirectory (an ACC was not included because of their size). These will
not be installed with pip
so you need to clone the repository to
get them:
git clone
ACC Example:
from lofarstation.stationdata import ACCData
from casacore.measures import measures
CasA = measures().direction("J2000", "23h23m26s", "+58d48m00s")
CygA = measures().direction("J2000", "19h59m28.3566s", "+40d44m02.096s")
sd = ACCData("20161231_133057_acc_512x192x192.dat",
station_name="SE607", rcu_mode=3)
# Print time, freq, flux in the direction of CygA
sd.direction = CygA
for i in range(sd.n_time):
print sd.time[i], sd.frequency[i][0],[i].mean().real
# Write a MS centred on CasA
sd.direction = CasA
XST Example:
from lofarstation.stationdata import XSTData
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sd = XSTData("20151122_125835_xst.dat", station_name="SE607",
rcu_mode=3, subband=307, integration_time=1.0)
# Plot UV coverage. No direction was specified, default is zenith
uvw = sd.uvw.reshape((-1,3)) # Standard array shape is N_time * N_ant * N_ant * 3
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
plt.plot(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], '.')
# Set direction and plot again
from casacore.measures import measures
sd.direction = measures().direction("AZEL", "45deg", "30deg")
uvw = sd.uvw.reshape((-1,3))
plt.plot(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], '.')