is a cross-edition, cross-platform PowerShell module that provides support
for copying text to and retrieving text from the system clipboard, via the Set-ClipboardText
and Get-ClipboardText
It is useful in the following scenarios:
Use with PowerShell Core on (hopefully) all supported platforms.
- As of v6.1, PowerShell Core doesn't ship with clipboard cmdlets.
- This module fills this gap, albeit only with respect to text.
- The implementation relies on external utilities (command-line programs) on all supported platforms:
- Windows:
(built in) - macOS:
(built in) - Linux:
(requires installation via the system's package manager; e.g.sudo apt-get install xclip
; available on X11-based desktops, such as on Ubuntu)
- Windows:
Use with older versions of Windows PowerShell.
- Only since v5.0 does Windows PowerShell ship with
cmdlets. - This module fills the gap for v2-v4, albeit only with respect to text.
- For implementing backward-compatible functionality, you may also use this module in v5+, in which case this module's cmdlets call the built-in ones behind the scenes.
- On older versions, the implementation uses Windows Forms .NET types behind the scenes (namespace
- Only since v5.0 does Windows PowerShell ship with
Use in universal scripts.
- Universal scripts are scripts that run on both Windows PowerShell and Powershell Core, on all supported platforms, including older versions of Windows PowerShell; in this case, down to version 2.
Prerequisite: The PowerShellGet
module must be installed (verify with Get-Command Install-Module
comes with PowerShell version 5 or higher; it is possible to manually install it on versions 3 and 4 - see the docs.
- Current-user-only installation:
# Installation for the current user only.
PS> Install-Module ClipboardText -Scope CurrentUser
- All-users installation (requires elevation /
# Installation for ALL users.
# IMPORTANT: Requires an ELEVATED session:
# On Windows:
# Right-click on the Windows PowerShell icon and select "Run as Administrator".
# On Linux and macOS:
# Run `sudo pwsh` from an existing terminal.
ELEV-PS> Install-Module ClipboardText -Scope AllUsers
See also: this repo's page in the PowerShell Gallery.
If you're still using PowerShell v2, manual installation is your only option.
Clone this repository (as a subfolder) into one of the directories listed in the $env:PSModulePath
variable; e.g., to install the module in the context of the current user, choose the following parent folders:
- Windows:
- Windows PowerShell:
- PowerShell Core:
- Windows PowerShell:
- macOs, Linux (PowerShell Core):
As long as you've cloned into one of the directories listed in the $env:PSModulePath
variable - copying to some of which requires elevation / sudo
- and as long your $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference
is not set (the default) or set to All
, calling Set-ClipboardText
or Get-ClipboardText
should import the module on demand - except in PowerShell v2.
To explicitly import the module, run Import-Module <path/to/module-folder>
Example: Install as a current-user-only module:
Note: Assumes that git
is installed.
# Switch to the parent directory of the current user's modules.
Set-Location $(if ($env:OS -eq 'Windows_NT') { "$HOME\Documents\{0}\Modules" -f ('WindowsPowerShell', 'PowerShell')[[bool]$IsCoreClr] } else { "$HOME/.local/share/powershell/Modules" })
# Clone this repo into subdir. 'ClipboardText'; --depth 1 gets only the latest revision.
git clone --depth 1 --quiet
On Windows PowerShell v2, you must now explicitly load the module:
Import-Module -Verbose .\ClipboardText
Run Set-ClipboardText -?
to verify that installation succeeded and that the module is loaded on demand (PSv3+):
you should see brief CLI help text.
In short:
copies strings as-is; output from commands is copied using the same representation you see in the console, essentially obtained viaOut-String
; e.g.:
# Copy the full path of the current filesystem location to the clipbard:
$PWD.Path | Set-ClipboardText
# Copy the names of all files in the current directory to the clipboard:
Get-ChildItem -File -Name | Set-ClipboardText
retrieves text from the clipboard as an array of lines by default; use-Raw
to request the text as-is, as a potentially multi-line string.
# Retrieve text from the clipboard as a single string and save it to a file:
Get-ClipboardText -Raw > out.txt
# Retrieve text from the clipboard as an array of lines and prefix each with
# a line number:
Get-ClipboardText | ForEach-Object { $i=0 } { '#{0}: {1}' -f (++$i), $_ }
For more, consult the built-in help after installation:
# Concise command-line help with terse description and syntax diagram.
Get-ClipboardText -?
Set-ClipboardText -?
# Full help, including parameter descriptions and details and examples.
Get-Help -Full Get-ClipboardText
Get-Help -Full Set-ClipboardText
# Examples only
Get-Help -Examples Get-ClipboardText
Get-Help -Examples Set-ClipboardText