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m4rkusxxl edited this page Aug 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Some numbers calculated based on the source from August 2019.



stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range damage/time dps/cost
1 100 100 100.00 100.00 1.00 2.50 100.00 1.00
2 50 150 40.00 140.00 0.95 2.55 147.37 0.98
3 60 210 48.00 188.00 0.90 2.60 208.89 0.99
4 72 282 57.60 245.60 0.85 2.65 288.94 1.02
5 86 368 69.12 314.72 0.80 2.70 393.40 1.07
6 104 472 82.94 397.66 0.75 2.75 530.22 1.12
7 124 596 99.53 497.20 0.70 2.80 710.28 1.19
8 149 745 119.44 616.64 0.65 2.85 948.67 1.27
9 179 924 143.33 759.96 0.60 2.90 1,266.61 1.37
10 215 1,139 171.99 931.96 0.55 2.95 1,694.47 1.49


stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range damage/time dps/cost
1 5,700 5,700 3,400.00 3,400.00 0.50 3.00 6,800.00 1.19
2 470 6,170 160.00 3,560.00 0.47 3.05 7,574.47 1.23
3 658 6,828 224.00 3,784.00 0.44 3.10 8,600.00 1.26
4 921 7,749 313.60 4,097.60 0.41 3.15 9,994.15 1.29
5 1,290 9,039 439.04 4,536.64 0.38 3.20 11,938.53 1.32
6 1,806 10,845 614.66 5,151.30 0.35 3.25 14,717.99 1.36
7 2,528 13,373 860.52 6,011.81 0.32 3.30 18,786.92 1.40
8 3,539 16,912 1,204.73 7,216.54 0.29 3.35 24,884.62 1.47
9 4,954 21,866 1,686.62 8,903.16 0.26 3.40 34,242.91 1.57
10 6,936 28,802 2,361.26 11,264.42 0.23 3.45 48,975.73 1.70


stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range damage/time dps/cost
1 94,200 94,200 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.15 3.50 133,333.33 1.42
2 750 94,950 120.00 20,120.00 0.15 3.55 138,758.62 1.46
3 1,125 96,075 180.00 20,300.00 0.14 3.60 145,000.00 1.51
4 1,688 97,763 270.00 20,570.00 0.14 3.65 152,370.37 1.56
5 2,531 100,294 405.00 20,975.00 0.13 3.70 161,346.15 1.61
6 3,797 104,091 607.50 21,582.50 0.13 3.75 172,660.00 1.66
7 5,695 109,786 911.25 22,493.75 0.12 3.80 187,447.92 1.71
8 8,543 118,329 1,366.88 23,860.63 0.12 3.85 207,483.70 1.75
9 12,814 131,143 2,050.31 25,910.94 0.11 3.90 235,553.98 1.80
10 19,222 150,365 3,075.47 28,986.41 0.11 3.95 276,061.01 1.84
11 28,833 179,198 4,613.20 33,599.61 0.10 4.00 335,996.09 1.87
12 43,249 222,447 6,919.80 40,519.41 0.09 4.05 426,520.15 1.92
13 64,873 287,320 10,379.71 50,899.12 0.09 4.10 565,545.79 1.97
14 97,310 384,630 15,569.56 66,468.68 0.08 4.15 781,984.49 2.03
15 145,965 530,595 23,354.34 89,823.02 0.08 4.20 1,122,787.78 2.12



stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range damage/time dps/cost
1 150 150 230.00 230.00 1.50 3.00 153.33 1.02
2 50 200 40.00 270.00 1.40 3.05 192.86 0.96
3 60 260 48.00 318.00 1.30 3.10 244.62 0.94
4 72 332 57.60 375.60 1.20 3.15 313.00 0.94
5 86 418 69.12 444.72 1.10 3.20 404.29 0.97
6 104 522 82.94 527.66 1.00 3.25 527.66 1.01
7 124 646 99.53 627.20 0.90 3.30 696.89 1.08
8 149 795 119.44 746.64 0.80 3.35 933.30 1.17
9 179 974 143.33 889.96 0.70 3.40 1,271.38 1.31
10 215 1,189 171.99 1,061.96 0.60 3.45 1,769.93 1.49


stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range damage/time dps/cost
1 7,150 7,150 4,300.00 4,300.00 1.50 3.00 2,866.67 0.40
2 580 7,730 160.00 4,460.00 1.40 3.05 3,185.71 0.41
3 812 8,542 224.00 4,684.00 1.30 3.10 3,603.08 0.42
4 1,137 9,679 313.60 4,997.60 1.20 3.15 4,164.67 0.43
5 1,592 11,271 439.04 5,436.64 1.10 3.20 4,942.40 0.44
6 2,228 13,499 614.66 6,051.30 1.00 3.25 6,051.30 0.45
7 3,119 16,618 860.52 6,911.81 0.90 3.30 7,679.79 0.46
8 4,367 20,985 1,204.73 8,116.54 0.80 3.35 10,145.68 0.48
9 6,114 27,099 1,686.62 9,803.16 0.70 3.40 14,004.51 0.52
10 8,560 35,659 2,361.26 12,164.42 0.60 3.45 20,274.03 0.57


stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range damage/time dps/cost
1 103,600 103,600 44,000.00 44,000.00 3.00 3.00 14,666.67 0.14
2 950 104,550 410.00 44,410.00 2.93 3.07 15,157.00 0.14
3 1,425 105,975 615.00 45,025.00 2.86 3.14 15,743.01 0.15
4 2,138 108,113 922.50 45,947.50 2.79 3.21 16,468.64 0.15
5 3,206 111,319 1,383.75 47,331.25 2.72 3.28 17,401.19 0.16
6 4,809 116,128 2,075.63 49,406.88 2.65 3.35 18,644.10 0.16
7 7,214 123,342 3,113.44 52,520.31 2.58 3.42 20,356.71 0.17
8 10,821 134,163 4,670.16 57,190.47 2.51 3.49 22,785.05 0.17
9 16,232 150,395 7,005.23 64,195.70 2.44 3.56 26,309.71 0.17
10 24,347 174,742 10,507.85 74,703.55 2.37 3.63 31,520.49 0.18
11 36,521 211,263 15,761.78 90,465.33 2.30 3.70 39,332.75 0.19
12 54,782 266,045 23,642.67 114,108.00 2.23 3.77 51,169.51 0.19
13 82,173 348,218 35,464.00 149,572.00 2.16 3.84 69,246.29 0.20
14 123,259 471,477 53,196.00 202,768.00 2.09 3.91 97,018.18 0.21
15 184,889 656,366 79,794.00 282,561.99 2.02 3.98 139,882.17 0.21



stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range radius of effect damage/time dps/cost
1 250 250 100.00 100.00 2.00 2.50 1.50 50.00 0.20
2 125 375 60.00 160.00 1.95 2.55 1.55 82.05 0.22
3 150 525 72.00 232.00 1.90 2.60 1.60 122.11 0.23
4 180 705 86.40 318.40 1.85 2.65 1.65 172.11 0.24
5 216 921 103.68 422.08 1.80 2.70 1.70 234.49 0.25
6 259 1,180 124.42 546.50 1.75 2.75 1.75 312.28 0.26
7 311 1,491 149.30 695.80 1.70 2.80 1.80 409.29 0.27
8 373 1,864 179.16 874.95 1.65 2.85 1.85 530.28 0.28
9 448 2,312 214.99 1,089.95 1.60 2.90 1.90 681.22 0.29
10 537 2,849 257.99 1,347.93 1.55 2.95 1.95 869.63 0.31


stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range radius of effect damage/time dps/cost
1 10,250 10,250 3,100.00 3,100.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 1,240.00 0.12
2 750 11,000 270.00 3,370.00 2.45 2.50 2.05 1,375.51 0.13
3 1,050 12,050 378.00 3,748.00 2.40 2.50 2.10 1,561.67 0.13
4 1,470 13,520 529.20 4,277.20 2.35 2.50 2.15 1,820.09 0.13
5 2,058 15,578 740.88 5,018.08 2.30 2.50 2.20 2,181.77 0.14
6 2,881 18,459 1,037.23 6,055.31 2.25 2.50 2.25 2,691.25 0.15
7 4,034 22,493 1,452.12 7,507.44 2.20 2.50 2.30 3,412.47 0.15
8 5,647 28,140 2,032.97 9,540.41 2.15 2.50 2.35 4,437.40 0.16
9 7,906 36,046 2,846.16 12,386.58 2.10 2.50 2.40 5,898.37 0.16
10 11,068 47,114 3,984.63 16,371.21 2.05 2.50 2.45 7,985.95 0.17


stage cost total cost damage total damage reload range radius of effect damage/time dps/cost
1 113,100 113,100 48,000.00 48,000.00 3.00 3.00 1.70 16,000.00 0.14
2 950 114,050 410.00 48,410.00 2.93 3.10 1.75 16,522.18 0.14
3 1,425 115,475 615.00 49,025.00 2.86 3.20 1.80 17,141.61 0.15
4 2,138 117,613 922.50 49,947.50 2.79 3.30 1.85 17,902.33 0.15
5 3,206 120,819 1,383.75 51,331.25 2.72 3.40 1.90 18,871.78 0.16
6 4,809 125,628 2,075.63 53,406.88 2.65 3.50 1.95 20,153.54 0.16
7 7,214 132,842 3,113.44 56,520.31 2.58 3.60 2.00 21,907.10 0.16
8 10,821 143,663 4,670.16 61,190.47 2.51 3.70 2.05 24,378.67 0.17
9 16,232 159,895 7,005.23 68,195.70 2.44 3.80 2.10 27,949.06 0.17
10 24,347 184,242 10,507.85 78,703.55 2.37 3.90 2.15 33,208.25 0.18
11 36,521 220,763 15,761.78 94,465.33 2.30 4.00 2.20 41,071.88 0.19
12 54,782 275,545 23,642.67 118,108.00 2.23 4.10 2.25 52,963.23 0.19
13 82,173 357,718 35,464.00 153,572.00 2.16 4.20 2.30 71,098.15 0.20
14 123,259 480,977 53,196.00 206,768.00 2.09 4.30 2.35 98,932.06 0.21
15 184,889 665,866 79,794.00 286,561.99 2.02 4.40 2.40 141,862.37 0.21



stage cost total cost reload range glue glue time glue/time gps/cost
1 500 500 2.00 1.50 1.20 1.50 0.90 0.0018
2 100 600 2.00 1.60 1.40 1.50 1.05 0.0018
3 120 720 2.00 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.20 0.0017
4 144 864 2.00 1.80 1.80 1.50 1.35 0.0016
5 173 1,037 2.00 1.90 2.00 1.50 1.50 0.0014


stage cost total cost reload range glue glue time glue/time gps/cost
1 1,300 1,300 3.00 2.50 1.20 2.50 1.00 0.0008
2 200 1,500 3.00 2.70 1.50 2.50 1.25 0.0008
3 240 1,740 3.00 2.90 1.80 2.50 1.50 0.0009
4 288 2,028 3.00 3.10 2.10 2.50 1.75 0.0009
5 346 2,374 3.00 3.30 2.40 2.50 2.00 0.0008


stage cost total cost reload range dist dist/time /cost
1 3,000 3,000 5.00 3.50 15.00 3.00 0.0010
2 2,000 5,000 4.50 3.50 20.00 4.44 0.0009
3 2,400 7,400 4.00 3.50 25.00 6.25 0.0008
4 2,880 10,280 3.50 3.50 30.00 8.57 0.0008
5 3,456 13,736 3.00 3.50 35.00 11.67 0.0008