This is the repo for Task 13 in SemEval 2013.
Please see the file LICENSE for terms of use.
Baskaya, Osman and Sert, Enis and Cirik, Volkan and Yuret, Deniz. Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013). June, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Retrieved from
- directory for binaries, please put this in your PATHtest_data
- Task 13 test data.trial_data
- Task 13 trial data. More information: Task13 Data pagerun
- directory for running experimentsrun/Makefile
- explains everythingsrc/dist
- code to find knn for substitute vectorssrc/fastsubs
- code to find most likely substitutessrc/scode
- code to find a low dimensional co-occurence embeddingsrc/tree-tagger
- a language independent part-of-speech taggersrc/scripts
- various utility scriptssrc/wkmeans
- instance weighted kmeans clustering algorithm
Some of the src
subdirectories need to be cloned from github.
will be updated soon.
will be updated soon.