Yet another SelectList implementation
A SelectList is a non-empty list which always has exactly one element selected. It is one of zipper.
Inspired by these modules
is the feature function in this package.
Use selectedMap
in view.
view : SelectList String -> Html Msg
view selectList =
ul [] <|
(\position item ->
li [ onClick (Set item) ]
[ text <| toString <| SelectList.index item
, text <| toString <| SelectList.selected item
Get a focused item and index from select list.
describes whether it is selected, or not.
Compared with List.indexedMap
selectedMap : (Position -> SelectList a -> b) -> SelectList a -> List b
indexedMap : (Int -> a -> b) -> List a -> List b
Unlike indexedMap
, we can get full access to all elements in the list.
And set new list to Model
If you don't use non-empty list, use selectedMapForList
that receives List
instead of SelectList
is replaced with selectedMapForList