hfide is an acronym for "Haxe Flixel Intergrated Development Editor". It's an editor made just for Haxe Flixel.
Changelog v0.4 (Sept 12, 2013)
- HFIDE are now compatible with Linux.
- autocomplete now are more stable.
hfide uses the node-webkit, an app runtime based on Chromium
and node.js
. hfide uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript as it's main language.
- download the app.nw
- download [node-webkit] (https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/) binary from Github
- drag app.nw to nw.exe
Some discussion have been done [here at HaxeFlixel forum] (http://www.haxeflixel.com/forum/general-discussion/experimental-works-haxeflixel-editor-with-autocomplete) . feel free to join the discussion there.