Things for ~/bin, which includes bash startup stuff, git configuration, sublime text things, some hold music, and a picture of a naked lady.
PS. One of the above is a lie.
The bash bits are particulary nice. Here, I remind myself to do this:
git clone [email protected]:misterbrownlee/binbits.git bin
cd bin
cd ..
ln -s $DOTFILES_CLONE/gitbits/git-config .gitconfig
ln -s $DOTFILES_CLONE/gitbits/gitignore_global .gitignore_global
# Now me does
cat $DOTFILES_CLONE/bashbits/example_bash_profile.txt" >> .bash_profile
cat $DOTFILES_CLONE/bashbits/example_bashrc.txt" >> .bashrc
cat $DOTFILES_CLONE/bashbits/example_profile.txt" >> .profile
# This stuff is what is in .bash_profile usually
# but not mine, because I believe everything I read on stackexchange
# I put this here to remind myself of what past me used to do
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ];
source ~/.bashrc
You can read ./bashbits/example_bash_profile.txt
if you wanna know more.
It's a bitch to symlink the Submlime text stuff, but here ya go... at least for Sierra (10.12.6) and Sublime Text 3 (3126):
cd /Users/brownlee/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User
rm Default\ \(OSX\).sublime-keymap && ln -s ~/bin/sublimebits/Default\ \(OSX\).sublime-keymap
rm Markdown.sublime-settings && ln -s ~/bin/sublimebits/Markdown.sublime-settings
rm Preferences.sublime-settings && ln -s ~/bin/sublimebits/Preferences.sublime-settings
rm WebExPert.tmTheme && ln -s ~/bin/sublimebits/WebExPert.tmTheme
rm trailing_spaces.sublime-settings && ln -s ~/bin/sublimebits/trailing_spaces.sublime-settings