web interface to control irssi (so you can irc from your phone)
super alpha, paths are still hard coded and shit
planned features:
- authenticates directly against user running server process (no need to setup a username and password)
- status bar
- easy window switching
- less ugly interface to irssi (i.e. not using external files)
- integrated into one script that you load in irssi
Change shit in webif_irssi.pl and webif_srv.pl to suit your needs, then:
$ cp webif_irssi.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun
In Irssi:
/script load webif_irssi.pl
install Mojolicious:
$ curl get.mojolicio.us | sh
Start Mojolicious server thing:
perl webif_srv.pl daemon &
visit https://localhost:3000/